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Leahs pov

I know I hurt Jennifer. Bad. But it was for the best. I don't want her to have to deal with me, someone who doesn't want a child. That would be unhealthy for all of us. It's not that she has a daughter. Good for her. But I personally don't want a kid at all. It's too much for me. Maybe somewhere in my life when I'm way older, I'll want a child. But me and Jennifer are both so young. And I still find it crazy that she even adopted a child when she did at such a young age. But she's doing fine. She's raised her well I'm sure. She's a mature young woman. I'm proud of her. But she deserves someone who not only makes her happy but someone her daughter could also look up to and treat her as amazing. I would treat her in a nice way but I know I wouldn't be enough to be who Jennifer would want me to be, as someone her daughter can look up to because I'm not such a kid person.

Ever since I broke up with her through text, my week has been going by super slow. As I should've expected. I don't have that excitement in my life anymore. I'm more worried but I also shouldn't be because I'm the one who decided to dump her. I just wish I didn't do it through text. But if I see her again I'll get weak. That girl is gorgeous in so many ways and I've been so lucky to get as far as I have with her.  Whoever ends up with her is lucky. We just aren't meant for each other.

After a long day of work, giving everyone my attitude side which I really feel bad for doing today, I went home and relaxed the rest of the day. I haven't even went to Starbucks this week in the morning because I'm afraid I'll run into her. I mean I could go through the drive through next time..now that I think of it.

I don't know when the right time to change my lock screen is because it's still of me and Jennifer. It's really cute but if I want to get over her, I'm going to have to change it eventually. I just hope she's doing okay. After a week, I assume she'll still be thinking about it all but I hope she's not overthinking anything because she knows exactly that I can't and won't deal with children..

"Biscuit" I said since I saw her walk into my room. I sat up and reached down over my bed to lift her up and sit her on my bed.

"Hey don't walk away" I said and pulled her backwards as she attempted to jump off. Biscuit is pretty much my daughter but it's different. I love her but I don't have to give much care as I would have to with an actual kid. Dogs would just need your attention sometimes and to be fed. Kids need food, care in many ways, love, teach them how to do things and make sure they don't do anything crazy.

I play around with Biscuit for a few minutes having me forget about the worst. Jennifer loves Biscuit though which sucks because Biscuit has also grown into Jennifer.

"You need a bath tomorrow. You smell like her" I said as if she could respond to me. She really just smells like a mix of Jennifer and dog.

As I kept playing with her, she'd keep pulling away so I just gave up and let her chill on the bed while I went through my phone. I remembered, there's this account that I follow. It's this girl yoga instructor who I've been following for a long time. Long before I met jennifer. Not because she's attractive but because someone recommended yoga to me because it's a relaxing thing. Especially because of the job I have, I could use yoga. But I didn't wanna become one of those yoga freaks who become super healthy and their whole life is yoga and healthiness. But maybe I'll give it a try soon since I might need it more now. Just for fun.

Jens pov

Today is a Saturday and it feels pretty different. I'm back to having a mother and daughter day with Veronica and including Vanessa whose joining along with us since she's heard about my breakup. As were watching Veronica eat her ice cream, I laid my head on Vanessa's shoulder. She knows I'm depressed after what happened. I'm not even mad. I can understand why Leah did what she did. It's just fucked up that she did it through text honestly.

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