Chapter 25 (Mark)

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I was back in my jail cell, basically just staring at the cold and damp walls around me. Well...I was a merman and I didn't know how I was going to go back to being a human. Maybe once I get out of here I can change myself back. After I rescue Jack, wherever he is right now. 

I looked at my tail and I swear I saw some red lightning on it . I touched my tail and felt something shock my hand. I pulled my hand back, looking at my tail now very confused. I also kept looking at my hair. I wish I knew how the red hair looked on me fully and not just in pieces. So I need a mirror. 

I saw a seahorse swimming out in the hallway and it came into my jail cell. 

"Well hello." I said. 

I took out my hand and it rested on top of it. It was a bright green color...just like Jack's hair.

Damn. I really miss every time that we hug or if I kiss the top of his head, I can smell the amazing scent of his hair and the mix with my shampoo. I miss having his lips against mine and just having one of those moments. I miss him. His smile, his voice, his everything. 

"I really messed up." I said to the seahorse.

"And I don't know how to fix it." I started to cry and could feel the seahorse help me by wiping away the tears that fell from eyes.

"Thanks." I said, smiling.

The door to the dungeon opened up and the seahorse immediately swam away out of site. The guards went and opened my jail cells door. They grabbed me harshly again and I tried getting out of their grasps. But yet again, no luck. 

They brought me to a different room this time, and they didn't come into the room with me. They shut the door immediately after I came in. I saw Jack's father again. He came straight towards me and was so close to me that his long beard and hair could touch my face. 

"You got used to the tail yet?" He asked, his accent poking out.

"I guess so." I said. Looking at him dead in the eyes.

He had the same eyes as Jack, but didn't tell the same feelings. Which made my heart crumble inside again. 

"Good to hear, sorry that us meeting had to be like this." 

He waved his trident around and a single pod came right into the center of the room.

Is this the pod that he was talking about?

"Good thing you don't know what it does or else you probably would've tried to escape a thousand times by now."

It took me a minute to fully process what the hell he said.

"Wait what, why?"

"It's a little surprise Mark. You'll enjoy it."

I wanted to argue that I surely wasn't going to, but instead he started pushing me with his trident.

Oh hell no

I suddenly felt a rush of energy flow through me and my tail started sparking more violently. The lightning then traveled to my hands and I touched Jack's father's trident. The lightning transferred to his trident and electrocuted him.   

"Hey!" I said happily, looking at my hands. 

Jack's father was passed out on the floor. 

"Sorry." I whispered.

I shot more lightning out of my fingers, hitting the pod making it fry up and fly away. 

"Now I know why my tail was filled with lightning earlier."

I shot some more red lightning to the wall, which after a few tries eventually gave out and made a hole. The sirens started up and I swam out as fast as I could. 

- - - -(Jack)- - - -

"Come on Kara!" I yelled.

"We don't have time to slow down!" 

After a few breaths from Kara, she spoke,

"I swear this is the fastest I've ever seen you swim." 

I rolled my eyes and swam faster. I was going to keep going, but I saw a ball of red swim fast close to me. He swam above me and soon enough a guard followed close behind.


I started swimming after the guard and Mark, Kara following behind me. Once I was pretty close to the guard I was about to grab the guards tail, when a burst of lightning almost hit me and I dodged just in time. The lightning hit the guard instead though, and he started sinking down to the ground.

"The hell." I said, out of breath.

"Jack?" I heard Mark ask. 

"Mark!" I swam over to him and about tackled him in a hug.

"You can shoot lightning out of your hands!" 

"Yep." He laughed. 

I pulled back some and looked into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes that I missed so god damn much. I gently kissed him on the lips making him know how much I missed him. And I could tell he felt the same. I felt him smile in the kiss, which about melted my heart. 

Mark pulled away in alarm and grabbed my hand. I saw a blast of energy come towards me and Mark pulled me down with him, saving me from the ball of energy. 

"Thanks." I said smiling as much as I could.

"Anytime babe." He said. My heart aching at the nickname I haven't heard him say in a while. 

This time, a bunch of guards surrounded me and Mark, guns pointing at us. 

Mark was charging up his lightning when I interrupted him.

"Don't worry, I got this one." 

He stopped with his red lightning and I built up all my energy to my voice. I felt an urge to scream like before, and I did. I screamed as loud as I could and it pushed the guards all back again this time, knocking them out.

"Nice job" Mark said, kissing me on the check.

"Thank you." I said, giggling. 

This time my dad zoomed in front of us, scaring me and Mark. 

"I'm not gong to let you go that easily."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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