Chapter 4 (Jack)

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I buttoned up my shirt, officially getting ready for D. Day. I'm not getting drunk, I'll just see other people get drunk. I straightened up my hair, and brushed my teeth. I got out of the restroom, and bumped into my dad.

"Aww, look at my son looking all fancy." He said.

"Really dad." I said while covering my face. 

"Yes, now come on, we don't want to be late."

He put one of his hands behind my back, and led me to the wagon. Our butler opened my door and my dads, and we hoped in. The conductor commanded the seahorses ,making the wagon go, to start going. I kept looking out the window, enjoying the scenery. I didn't speak once to my dad. Once we got there, I swam out of the wagon, and saw the building right in front of me. Atlantis' #1 bar. There was very loud music. The music seemed different, something I would listen to, and not merpeople. I recognized the beat and the person singing it. It was Better Now by Post Malone. I looked at my dad and he told me to go for it. I went inside and imminently welcomed by the smell of alcohol. Also, mixed with sea water, not a pleasant smell. 

"BABE!" Someone yelled.

I turned around to see Kara, with a huge smile taking up here face. She hugged me so tightly, I'm pretty sure she could feel my ribs. 

*cough* "Hi Kara." I said. 

She let go of me and started talking.

"I'm so glad you could make it, here let me get you a drink."

She swam off before I can protest. Well,  what a waist of money.   

"JACK!" I heard another person yell.

This time, I knew who it was and immediately went to him.

"Hey man!" I said to my best friend, Marcus, when I reached him. 

Daniel was right next to him, his boyfriend. Here in Atlantis, you have to be straight, no gay or lesbians here. Marcus has been hiding the fact that they were dating for a very long time now. Not my rules though. If I was king, I would make it legal so people can be happy for who they are and not hide it. Also be truly happy with their partner. 

"Hey dude! Here, take a seat."

I took a seat next to Marcus and he took a sip of his drink.

"Look man, I'm going to completely honest with you. First though, do you actually like Kara?"

When he asked me that question, I wanted to through up everything I ate for the last week. 

"Eww no, fuck no." I said.

"Exactly what I thought, Jack, you haven't had an actual crush on anyone before, right?" He asked next.

I nodded my head yes. I never truly liked someone before. I kissed someone yes, because I was forced to. I never felt anything when they did. 

"You know, it's OK to be gay, just hide it like we do."

Where was he going with this?

"Yes I know, but it would be bad if people found out that I would be dating a guy right, especially since I'm the prince." I said.

"Just don't let people find out." He said. He then took another drink.

I slammed my head on the counter-top, which made both Marcus and Daniel jump.

"Hey man, what's wrong?" Said Daniel.

"What's wrong, is the fact I'm never going to find that "special someone"." I said. 

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