Chapter 19 (Mark)

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I heard Jack's gentle snoring around my arms. I explained everything that happened to Andy in a hushed voice to not wake up Jack.

"Holy shit." Andy said when I finished.

"Exactly." I said.

We drove a bit longer. I was staring out the window, not wanting to talk to Andy so Jack could sleep. I played with his hair with one of my hands and held him tight, but not to tight, close to me.

"Told you Mark." Andy said, when we turned into my street.

He looked at me for a second and nodded to Jack.

I blushed.

"Shut up dude." I said, smiling.

We pulled into my driveway. We got out of the car, and I held Jack, his head resting on my chest. He looked so god damn cute like this.

Andy decided to leave, and I went upstairs to my bedroom. I set Jack down and covered him up. It was 10:34 at night, and I still wasn't tired. My mind went through everything that happened to me and Jack today. I saw Jack start to shiver, not enough blankets on him. I was about to go get another blanket from downstairs, when Jack grabbed my wrist.

I laughed.

"Is this how your gonna get me to stay every time with you?"

"Cuddle with me." Jack said, opening one eye slowly.

How could I possibly say no to him? How can anyone say no to him?

I climbed into the bed and got closer to him. I rapped my arm around him and he snuggled closer to me. His head rested on my chest, and with Jack's free hand, he intertwined our fingers together with the hand I rapped him around with.

I smiled, suddenly feeling a wave of exhaustion rush through me. My nose was in Jack's hair, being able to smell the wonderful scent of his hair. Apparently, it was pleasing enough to me for me to fall right asleep.

2 weeks later...

- - - -(Jack)- - - -

It's been 2 weeks since me and Mark started dating. Technically, almost three. I've never been this happy before in a very long time. He fills me with happiness as much as my mom used to, maybe even more. I'm so glad I found him, and not decided to just ignore the guy and let him drown in the water. Or I could've saved him, but not ever encountered him again.

Right now, me and Mark were at a restaurant eating dinner. I've been away from home too. My dad did say though that I can stay as long as I want to. Anyway, Mark wanted to take me someplace different. I call this a date, which so does he. We were at this place called Red Robin, and man did they have the greatest burgers.

I wasn't completely finished with my burger, when I started daydreaming about Mark. I didn't notice that I was just staring at my burger, and not eating it.

"You OK babe? What are you thinking about?" Mark asked me, pulling me back into reality

"You." Was all I said, and I was telling the truth.

Mark grabbed my hand that was resting on the table and I looked up at him. I put down my burger and saw that Mark already ate his.

"What about me?" He asked. His eyes seeming to draw me in.

I grabbed his hand back.

"Well, I was just replaying the dream I had last night."

"What was the dream?"

"Something that was...not so pure." I said, grinning.

Mark got the hint, and I saw his eyes fill with lust.

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