Chapter 22 (Mark)

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Jack has been overwhelmed lately over the dream. He's gotten better, but he's still a little...cautious. I got up from the couch and saw Jack in the kitchen, grabbing some chips. I saw him run back to me and sit right next to me. 

He started eating the chips and I didn't even know I was staring.

"Hey Mark, you okay?" Jack asked, making me snap out of it.

"Yeah, could you get me some water please?" I asked him. 

He nodded and got up. I got off the couch slowly not to make much noise. I sneaked towards Jack, which he was getting a cup and putting water in it. Once he stood still, waiting for the water to fill up the cup, I put my arms around his waist, and he jumped. Like really bad. 

"See." I said.

"Now your even scared of me."

Jack put down the water.

"No No No! I'm not."

"Yeah you are, you legit just jumped trying to get out of my grasp when all I was doing was trying to hug my boyfriend."

He looked down at the floor, grabbing his arm.

"I'm just worried Mark. I don't want anything happening to you." 

I saw Jack start to cry. Usually I would try to do something to cheer him up or just stop crying. It tore me up inside to see him like this. This time I ignored it though and just looked away. 

"You do know it's our one month anniversary of us dating?" 

I saw Jack look up from the floor and had a face full of surprise. 

"That's today?!" 

It was now my turn this time to look at the floor.

"See. You've gotten so overwhelmed by the dream thing and now you can't stop thinking about it. It even made you forget about this. I thought you got better, but actually you just got worse."

"It's cause of you Mark! I know what you told me and everything is probably true, but I still don't want you to get hurt."

I looked up at him and just looked into his eyes. His were staring right back at me, with tears strolling out of it. I wanted so badly to do something, but I gotta stay strong.

"It's been a month and yet now you're stressing over me possibly getting hurt. Why couldn't you think about it before you decided to date me."

"I did, but I didn't care because all I could think about was you."

"What makes it different now..."

I paused, and Jack didn't cut me off or speak.

"Do you not love me anymore?"

"NO I DO! Oh God I do!" 

I turned my back away from Jack. Feeling his eyes stare right at the back of me.

"Sure doesn't seem like it. Anymore at least."

I started walking towards the door and I grabbed my coat cause it was cold outside.

"Wait, Mark!" 

I slammed the door shut and started sprinting out in the cold weather. I didn't know where I was going, I just wanted to be as far away as I can. 

I started crying. Let all sadness I had in me come out. I was holding in a lot of tears, now letting them fall. My heart was broken. I had the same feeling when both Jason and Amy broke me. I decided to open my heart up to Jack, thinking he would be different. He took my heart, but then just gave it back. Threw it at me like it was just a toy. Did he ever open his heart up to me, or was this all a fake.

Does he even love me?

I say a bench and I decided to sit on it. I felt something cold hit my head, and saw that it was snowing. I cuffed my face with my hands and just keep crying. 

"I'm so stupid!" I said in my hands. 

Maybe the fact that Jack is really a merman and was a prince made him different than the others. I was torn up more about this though. I loved him more than anything else in the world. To be honest, I've never loved someone that fast in my entire life. So what made him so different?

Yeah yeah. I get that he has to to keep me safe. But why couldn't he think about before hand. Why now? Just because he had that stupid dumb ass dream about me being captured and all. So now he's like "oh shit, this could actually happen." Now I even wonder if he loved me in the first place. He probably wouldn't have let me kiss him, embrace him, and tease him at all if he didn't. Hell, he probably wouldn't have had sex with me. 

Did he just do that though to be nice?

I just sat there more, thinking about it all. Crying more and more. I heard people walking past, and I didn't look up. I heard 5 people walking at the same time at the same pace. Then they stopped. I spread my fingers a bit so I could see what this was about, and I saw 5 men with these weird looking gun things pointing it at me. They also had these weird suits on and they barely knew how to walk.

I put my hands down looking at them more now. 

"What? Are you grown ups pretending to be kids again with your fake armor and fake guns?"

I saw one guy pull the trigger and a full blast of charged energy was shot out of it. The blue ball of electricity barely missed me. It hit the tree behind me instead and the tree had a huge hole in the middle now.

"Ugh...okay then. Ima just go and not bother you amazing gentlemen again."

I started walking past them, at least trying to. They kept blocking my path.

One of them finally decided to speak.

"Are you Mark Edward Fischbach?" He asked. 

"Ugh yeah." I said.

How did they know my name?

"Your coming with us." They started grabbing my arms and stuff. I pulled away though before they could get a good grip.

"You know what. Nah, I'm good."

The guy shot the gun again and I just barely dodged.

I just stared at them, shocked. I then decided to just run. I started to until they caught up with me and fully grabbed me. 

"Sorry Mr. Fischbach, but you're not going anywhere."

I tried to loosen their grip on me, but all that did was make them stronger. 

"Now where's your boyfriend, Sean?" 

I just became stiff and stared at the guy he talked. I swear my heart skipped a beat.

"And why would I tell you?" 

"Because." The guy brought out another gun but was smaller and didn't have a trigger, but a button. 

He then turned it on and it scanned my head.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

He stopped the scan and looked through it. 

He's at his house. Keep going down this way, turn a right, keep going down and should be the second to last house on the street. 

Oh. He just scanned my memories. 

They started running, with me with them.

Oh God. I want to call Jack and warn him about the guards coming, but I left my phone at home.

Jack was right, they were going to come, and soon. 

"God dammit!" 

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