Chapter 18 (Jack)

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I was really worried about this whole situation. I looked up at Mark, and he looked back. He brushed the hair off of my face, looking at my eyes deeply. I did the same. He leaned and kissed me gently. The lights then turned off, and he pulled away. I instantly felt loneliness the second he pulled away. His lips are so soft and smooth. They make me so happy every time. He just makes me happy. I am so damn happy that he's mine. Every time he calls me "babe", I just wanna die of to much cuteness. 

The doors opened and a robot voice went over the loudspeakers.

"The game has started . All players have fun and  don't get lasered." 

Everyone ran inside the arena and Mark started running too. Me and Andy tried keeping up with him. Once we all got into the arena, I tried looking for Mark, but I didn't see him at all. I was holding my laser gun and hiding behind stuff to avoid getting lasered. 

I realized Andy wasn't near me either. 

"No, No no no no no!" I started panicking. 

This place is fucking huge, I'll never find Mark or Andy. I looked around the wall I was hiding behind. I saw people on the red team, the team that I'm not on. I aimed at the 2 people and shot both of them in the nick of time. 

"Hey!" I yelled, way to loudly. I went back down and I heard the people sigh. 

"This is fun." I said to myself. 

I then ran to another hiding spot and shot more and more people. I lost count of how many people I shot but it was around 20 something. I also tried to look for Mark and Andy, but no luck. I went upstairs to the red teams base. I shot some more people and saw a little room. I went over to it and opened the door. I scoped out the area, finding no one.

I relaxed some, but then heard voices. I instantly went behind the closest wall to me. I crouched down and slowed my breathing. There was 3 people in the room. 2 boys and 1 girl. The voices sounded really familiar. Once I realized who they were, I gripped my gun tighter. I listened to the conversation. 

"What are we going to do?" Asked Felix.

"I mean, Mark obviously has a boyfriend now, clearly saying he's moved on." Said Amy.

"We just gotta do something that will draw Mark in, and that's getting his stupid boyfriend Jack." Said Jason.

My legs were getting really uncomfortable with the position I was in, so I decided to move one leg a little. I didn't realize there was someone's bag there, and accidentally made a clanging sound when I hit it. What the hell was in that bag? I heard nothing after that. It was just silence. 

"Who's here?" Asked Felix. 

I heard another pause, and then heard Jason's voice.

"I don't know, but I found some old videos of Mark."

I heard some voices coming from his phone. I heard Jason laughing, and Mark laugh. I felt my eyes start to water. Hearing Mark's voice is like a blessing. It's amazing to hear it now especially since I haven't heard it since like an hour and a half ago, and I don't know where he is. 

"So, Mark. How's your mashed potatoes?" 

"Oh I don't know, half of it is covering your face."

"But do I look cute?"

"Always babe."

I felt my whole body go weak, and I flopped to the ground. It made a loud thump sound.

"Shit." I whispered. 

I turned my body around to see Jason, Felix, and Amy standing above me.

"Oh hey guys. Didn't see you there." I said, trying to sound casual.

Felix grabbed me and brought me up to my feet. They led me to another room and this one was a lot darker. They turned on the L.E.D. lights, and in the middle of the room, I saw Mark tied up on a chair. I covered my mouth with both hands, immediately shocked. More tears started running down my face. 

"Why the fuck did you do this to him!?" I yelled to the trio. 

"Oh Jack. You don't know how long I've been wanting to do this." Said Jason, getting closer to Mark. 

"To what, torture him on a chair!? Also how did you even get the chair and rope and everything?"

"Magic." Said Amy. 

"And don't worry, theirs gonna be more torture for Mark." Said Jason. 

I looked over at Mark and saw him look at me. His eyes immediately started watering and he tried getting out of the rope.

"No no Mark." Said Felix, going over and tightening the ropes.  

I heard Mark groan in pain, and I started crying more.

"Please, let him go!" I yelled. 

"No no baby." Said Amy.

"Don't call me that!" I said, pushing her away from me.

Felix held me hands together behind my back, holding them there.

I saw them look at me then Mark. They smirked, and I saw Jason nod.

I turned to see Amy up again and right next to my face. 

"Your really gonna enjoy this." She leaned in and kissed me. 

I can tell you one thing. The kiss was horrible, I hated it. This reminded me of kissing Kara. They were nothing like Mark's and they never will be. Mark is the only one I truly love and want. Yep, love. 

I heard Mark scream underneath the duct tape that was on his lips. That got my adrenaline working. I kneed Amy in the leg, and she pulled away. Thank god. I also twisted my wrist out of Felix's grasp and held his instead. Jason was coming for me and I used one of my hands to throw the backpack at him that I banged into. 

Whatever was inside it was very heavy, but I managed to lift it and throw it right into Jason's stomach. He plopped to the floor, groaning in pain. I also kneed Felix in the dick and he feel right on the floor. 

"Nice seeing ya'll again, but we got to go." I said. 

I ran over and untied Mark from the chair. Once I got him fully untied, he turned over and kissed me. I smiled for this is what I want.

"Thanks babe." He said, when he pulled away.

My heart fluttered at the name again. "Your welcome, now come on." I said.

I grabbed his hand and we ran out of there. The game just ended and we all exited. I saw Andy in the crowd, and we went to him. 

"Come on Andy!" I said, and we all ran to the car.

Once Mark and Andy got in the car, I hopped onto Mark's lap again.

"Where the hell were you guys?" Andy asked.

"Long story, but all I can say right now, is that Jack can fight." Mark said, rapping his arms around me and kissing my head. 

"Whatever." I said blushing. Hearing Mark's voice made me relax all the way. 

I went deeper into Mark's chest, being able to pick up his scent. I felt his arms grip around me tighter and I smiled. I closed my eyes, suddenly feeling all the adrenaline die down away from me. 

"Well OK then." Said Andy.

"We will tell you everything when we get home." Said Mark.

I heard Mark's heartbeat, which made me fall deeper into sleep. Mark kissed my forehead, and I smiled.

I then fell asleep to the sound of Mark's heartbeat and the cozy warmth from him. 

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