Chapter 23 (Jack)

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This was all my fault. 

If I haven't been overreacting over stupid shit like this, none of this would've ever happened. 

It was a dream not a fucking vision or something. Sure he might find us together or I might tell him soon or later, but not kill him...right?

I was in Mark and I's bedroom, crying in a corner. I was rapped in a ball on the floor, crying into my knee's. I was listening to some music trying to make me feel better, but it did nothing. The song was Only Time by Enya. Nice song, but I couldn't stop thinking about Mark. 

Is this how depressing it is? Feeling like you lost someone 

Yes, love.

My first boyfriend. A person I actually love and care about. 

I decided to try to get up. I untangled myself from a ball and used my arms to help me stand. I tried but my legs were asleep and refusing to work.

"Really." I said. My voice was really raspy and quiet. 

I tried using the nightstand by me and it helped. I was able to get up all the way now.

I walked slowly to the mirror, deciding to look at myself. I looked horrible. My hair was all over the place, my eyes were covered with tears, my jeans were soaked with tears, and my face was stained with tears.

I tilted my head some to see my neck. I had several hickey's there from Mark. I smiled for a second. Then I heard screaming from outside. I looked outside the window, trying to see who the hell was screaming. I didn't see anybody though, but I heard someone bang on my door and yell,

"Your highness, your coming with us!"

I knew that voice. It was one of the guards in Atlantis.

I gasped and covered my mouth.

"Don't listen to them Ja-"


He was cut off, probably with them shutting him up. 

They had Mark, and they were trying to get me.

That means... my dad found out. 

I instantly locked the door to the bedroom and hid in the closet.

I climbed onto the top shelf, surprising that it didn't break. I was about to close my eyes and stuff, when I swear I saw something shine below me. I moved some of the shirts and coats to see a small metal door in the wall. I went to open it but it needed a fingerprint and a password.

"Now what do you keep in here that requires so much security?" 

I barely said. 

I had to get Mark's thumb print and the password...but how?

I tried putting my thumb in and it scanned it. It took a minute to complete then turned green. 

It worked?

"Mermaid detected. Immediate entry enabled." It said.

I was shocked.

I then heard the door break open and some footsteps scattering around, looking for me.

I opened the door and saw nothing but a beaker with orange liquid in it. I gasped again. Mark has Xenom, but how? 

He must've used it to make me become human. I grabbed my necklace around my neck.

I rubbed it gently and kissed it.

This time, I heard someone try to get into the bedroom. Good thing I locked it, to hold them back for a minute. I instantly closed the door and heard it lock. I then got all the way back on the shelf and hid. Then I heard the door open. Dammit, they opened the door. After a few minutes I heard them start to open the closet door.


One of them I guessed spotted me,

"Boss, I found him."


I got off the shelf and kicked the guy in the face. I ran out of there and went into the hallway. I ran downstairs since I knew they were all upstairs. Once I did, I was about to open the door to leave when I heard someone.

"Stop right there!" 

I turned to see guards in the living room.

I guess some of them decided to stay downstairs.  

"Oh no you don't." 

Mark got up and swang his handcuffs at the man, knocking him out. 

I smiled at him and started crying tears of joy. He smiled back which made my heart flutter. 

Then the guy got up and punched mark in the back, making him hit the ground. 


I screamed. This was it, my nightmare. My dad will find about me and Mark, Mark would be captured and killed for what he did, and I watched it all. 

I started crying and yelled with all my might.


All of the guards were pushed back and fell to the ground, one breaking a vase on his head. 

How the hell did I do that?

I didn't think anymore and went over to Mark. 

He was fine but just had a shocked expression on his face.

"How?" He asked.

"I have no clue." I said helping him up. 

I grabbed his hand and we ran out the door as fast as we could.

We made it pretty far away from the house. I felt something cold touch my nose. It was snowing. I never witnessed snow before and this was a first. Mark apparently noticed because he wrapped an arm around me and I snuggled into him. 

"Beautiful isn't it." He said.


We were interrupted by our thoughts when I felt something attach to my back.

I instantly knew what it was. 

"Mark!" I managed to yell before we were both electrocuted. We both hit the ground and I saw Mark passed out completely. Before I was out too, I heard the main guard talk,

"Sorry your highness, but I had to do it."

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