Chapter 15~Something there

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The following morning Erik awoke to a blanket on top of him. He glanced over the bed and saw that Meg was still asleep. He smiled at her, as he did every morning, before making his way to the organ. After playing a couple of notes, Meg awoke. She got up from the bed and started walking twords him. She placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a polite good morning.
He shivered at her touch, then smiled at her before wishing her the same.
"I hope I didn't wake you" he said to her.
"No, no of course not" she reassured him.
The morning went by as it always did , they talked and smiled. Yet this morning was slightly different because he knew he was in love Meg.
Later on that same day, Erik was playing the organ. Meg walked twords the seat and sat down next to him. Both of them felt an insane amount of butterflies in their stomachs. As Erik began to play, she hummed along to the melody. He looked up and smile at her when she wasn't looking. She then looked up and looked at him too. As they had done many times before, they stared into each another's eyes and smiled. Being caught up in the moment, Meg began to move her hand to his, still on the organ, until hers was now on top of his. She then tangled her fingers in his holding onto to his hand. Erik's heart was about to jump out his chest. Could she.... maybe feel the same?
When Erik didn't pull away, she took a chance and began to lean in very slowly. She felt more confidence in herself when she saw him doing the same, and in less than a second they both jumped from their seats. The organ had made the loud noise it does when you play it. They didn't realize they're hands were pressing maybe a bit to hard on it. They both looked at each other and laughed. The moment didn't exactly go as they hoped, but it was absolutely perfect to them.
That night Meg had once again fallen asleep on the floor. Erik yet again letting out a light chuckle
"How many times is she going to do this" he thought to himself
He picked her up, layed her on the bed, and covered her with a blanket, it was quite cold that night.
Erik looked at her. Was it possible she perhaps felt the same way he felt about her?
He was truly, madly, deeply in love with her, there's nothing he wouldn't do for Meg Giry

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