Chapter 4~

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As Meg was was about to enter the lair, she spotted Erik playing the organ. She waited at the at the entry admiring beautiful notes he played. He stood up from where he was sitting, not noticing that Meg was was at the doorway,  and began to undo his shirt. Unbuttoning each of the buttons that closed his shirt. Meg was still standing at the entry way, shocked. She wanted to say something, to move, anything, but she didn't. She did nothing and stood watching as he removed the shirt from his shoulders.

She didn't know what to do, a good idea was to walk away, but she didn't, she couldn't!  "I have to go, I can't see this! " she thought to herself. It was as if her legs had no use. She watched him slowly move from the organ to the bed, still shirtless. Meg watched his every move. Deep down inside her she knew she couldn't watch, but she also knew she wanted to. She didn't know what happening to her, could she really be gaining feelings for Erik?  There was nothing wrong with him, he was perfect to her, sweet, charming, loyal, respectful, he was the perfect man to spend a lifetime with. As for his face.. she knew about his disformity, never had she seen it, but she didn't care. Meg knew that he was absolutely flawless inside and out. Erik slowly began to put on another shirt. Now able to gain control over herself again, she spoke when he was finished. "Erik" she called out.

"Meg" he replied "Back so soon" he said

  'I um.. Wanted to s-see you" she was still shock and a bit blush-ie. "I really hope its okay, I don't want to annoy you"

   "No, no, its quite alright. I actually enjoy your company" Those words made Meg have even more butterflies swirling in her stomach. She took a seat on the floor

   "Erik...may I please ask you something, please don't get angry with me, do not answer if you wish.. "

  "Yes? " he asked   "why don't you let me see your face, I've know you for years now"

Erik felt uncomfortable at the question and there was silence for a few seconds. 

   "Meg... I wear this mask becau-

  Because of your deformity? " She cut him off.  "Yes" He said  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. "  she said back to him. He stayed silent. "I know you think no one will accept you because of it, but I will. " She said, hoping she could make him see how much she cared. "That's because you haven't seen it yet. "

  "I can handle it, I can-

  "No Meg, I'm doing you a favor believe me"       she let it go. "Okay, I will not make you if you do not wish too. I hope one day you will trust me enough to show me" she said with her head tilted down.  "Its not that I don't trust you, Meg,  but you are my only friend in this cruel life I was given, and I will not lose you because of my horrid face. " There was silence again. "Erik.. I will never leave you, no matter what happens" she took his hands in hers while saying so. "Do not show me, I will not force you into something you don't want. Just know, I will never leave you because of what you look like. " They stared into each others eyes. "I'll leave you now, you should get some rest" she said, still holding his hands, then gently letting them go. "You'll come tomorrow won't you? " He asked

  She turned to look at him "If you wish too" she said smiling at him, remember what he had said to her this morning.

As she made her way back to her bedroom, she smiled at the man she saw tonight. Was she really starting to feel for him?

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