Chapter 5~

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Meg giry was starring out of her window. Her thoughts about Erik and how she started to gain feelings for him, maybe even... love him?  "How did this happen? " She thought to herself. Meg knew Erik would never feel the way about her as she did him. She wanted more than anything to tell him, but that would only end in a heart break for her.

   (A few days later)

After days of being torn between choosing to tell Erik her feelings toward him or not. She decided that even if he didn't love her back she still needed to tell him. "Maybe it will help him to know someone actually loves him.. " she thought "Maybe it would give him confidence" To Meg, Erik was more than a friend. He saw her when no one else did. Erik was someone whom she know she could always relay on.

As she raced to the lair her heart pounded. She wasn't sure how he would react but she needed to tell him how she felt. When she arrived at the entry to the lair,  she saw Christine. She wasn't sure what she was doing there since Erik didn't say they were practicing. As she was about to turn and walk away, she felt her stomach drop. Christine slowly leaned to him, closing her eyes as she got closer and closer to him until finally her lips touched his. Her right arm caressing the side of his face and her left one on his neck. Erik stood there shocked, but he didn't push away. Christine pulled away first and after staring at him she kissed him again, this one more passionate than the one before. Tears were forming in Meg's eyes, she couldn't stand to watch the man she was in love with kiss a woman that wasn't her. She returned to her room shattered in pieces.

Heart broken by what she had just seen, Meg cried into her pillow trying to make as little noise as possible. How could she have ever thought that he would want to be with her?  He loved Christine and only Christine. Inside of her, deep down, she knew he would never want to spend his life with her, he didn't want to be hers, and he never will. It was clear to her now that Erik and Christine were most likely going to start a new life together, far away. She sobbed even more. The thought of a life without Erik was devastating and heart breaking to her. "What am I to do now? "

She thought with pain.  How was she supposed to live knowing the only person she wanted to spend her life with was now going to create a new life without her?

    Muffled sobs ran across her room as she  pulled her pillow even more close to her mouth. She was beyond heart broken. She felt betrayed, but why?  He never loved her as she did him. She had so many emotions, but all she could do is cry as she felt pain eat her alive.

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