Chapter 8~

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Christine was sitting on Meg's bed when Meg had entered her room.

"Christine? " Meg said curiously "What are you doing in here? " "Meg, I need to tell you something. I am in love with Raoul, and I am running away with him tonight. " Meg acted surprised, as if this was new to her, but of course it wasn't. "Where to? " Meg asked trying to sound interested though she wasn't. "Wherever he leads me." Christine responded. "I wanted you to be the first to know because you are my friend, and because I didn't want you to worry when I don't show for rehearsal in the morning. "

"I hope you have everything you ever wish for with Raoul, Christine. Goodbye. " Christine leaned to Meg and gave her a hug. Christine then left the room.

"Goodbye Meg" she said before leaving.

Although Meg was devastated towards her for what she had done to Erik, Christine was her friend and she did wish her happiness with Raoul. Meg then proceeded to lay in her bed, falling asleep

Later that same night. Meg awoke to someone shaking her.

"Meg, Meg wake up! " When Meg woke, she saw Christine. She was the one shaking her awake. "Christine, what are you doing, " she said half awake. "weren't you suppose to be gone by now? " Meg was confused. Why was Christine still here, and why was she waking her up? "Meg, the Opera House is on fire, we have to leave, now! " Meg jumped out of her bed. "What?!? " Meg didn't know what was happening. "We have to leave, the fire is spreading" Christine grabbed Meg's hands and began dragging her out of the room. Meg followed, but only for a few minutes. "Wait Christine, I need to do something first- " No Meg, you can't go back. "

"There's still someone in there, I need to help them. " Meg said. She needed to help Erik, there was absolutely no way she was leaving him. "The authorities have already been contacted to put out the fire, they could help whoever needs it." Christine was tugging and pulling Meg by her hands, desperately trying to get her to walk. "No Christine, you don't understand!" Meg was practically screaming at Christine. "I need to go back, I have to, he needs me! " "Who? ".... Meg didn't answer her immediately. Should she tell her the truth? That she knew about the man living down below

"Who Meg??" "

Please just go without me, I will be okay, I promise. " Meg responded

"Meg, there is a man living beneath the Opera House. At first I thought he was an angel sent to guide and protect me, but he is not. I think he was the one who started the fire" Meg didn't know what to say, could she tell Christine that she already knew? "Christine I need to go back for him, you wouldn't understand, please just go, leave with Raoul, but im not leaving without him. " Was all she said to Christine "Wait you knew abou- "Christine we don't much time, leave now!" Christine didn't know what to do, but she knew that if Meg stayed she wouldn't get hurt since the authorities were already here to eliminate the fire. "Okay Meg, but if your going back for him, you need to hurry. There is an angry mob outside, they want to kill him. " Meg's eyes went wide. "I have to go Christine, but thank you." Was all she said to her as she ran with all her might to warn Erik.

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