Chapter 3~

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After rehearsals, Meg returned to her bedroom as she usually did. She wanted to go visit Erik but no doubt he was with Christine in the lair, perhaps practicing for an upcoming preformance. Meg didn't talk to any of the other dancers. Not because she didn't like them but because she simply just didn't talk to them. They were always more interested in being around Christine anyway. She had nothing to do for the rest of her day and watched the time pass by as she lay in her bed staring out the window beside her. She would have much rather spent her time with Erik. She fell asleep after a while because of how bored she was. Meg never really left her room, except for rehearsals and preformances. She had no one to be with other than Erik, and he was working with Christine majority of the time. Meg felt lonely sometimes but the thought of spending time with Erik afterwards made her smile and she thought to herself "It'll be worth it"

     The next morning Meg awoke earlier than usual and decided to see Erik since she wasn't able to yesterday. She walked to the lair and saw Erik, of course playing the organ.  "I hope I'm not disturbing you" She said smiling "You could never" he replied trying to sound polite.

     They didn't talk as much as she would have liked to but his presence alone was enough to make her happy. As she was about to head out, she tripped over her feet letting out a small gasp, but before she could hit the ground entirely Erik rushed to help her and cought her right on time. His right arm was around her upper back and left arm was around her waist. She was also holding on to him, one arm around his neck and the other grasping his shoulder. She stared at him for a moment, he did as well. He slowly lifted her up, his arms still holding onto her.

  "Thank you" she said with a slight smile looking downwards. "Be carful, we wouldn't want you getting hurt now would we" "of course not" she said to him.

    As she was at the entry ready to leave she looked back at him and asked "I'll see you tonight? " In a curious tone

"If you wish to" He responded while turning. She gave him a slight nod before he leaving and returning above.

The sun was already up by the time she arrived, and after countless hours of dancing she was finally able to lay in bed and relax. Her mind traveled back to to the moment she had with Erik in the morning. She felt butterflies in her stomach just thinking about it. "What's wrong with me? " She asked herself. Why was she feeling this way?  She knew Erik was in love with Christine, she couldn't fall in love with him, yet her heart disagreed. She knew the chances of them ending up together were small, not ever to happen, so why?  She didn't know. Still wanting to see him, she went to visit him as she said she would. Walking through the halls which lead to his lair, she felt nervous but in a good way. As if she was nervous to see him because she was gaining feelings for him and got giggle-ie everytime she saw him but didn't want to admit him. After minutes of walking and crossing the lake, she had finally arrived.

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