Chapter 13~

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Meg didn't know what was about to happen.
"Meg, you asked about my face and why you've never seen it"
He slowly began to lift his hands twords his face and turn around, his back facing Meg. He removed his mask from his face. Then he slowly turned to face her. He was now facing Meg, his mask off, holding it in his right hand. Erik closed his eyes his eyes and tilted his head downwards. He was prepared for Meg's judgment. Meg began to walk to him. She tilted his head back up. She stared to him for a moment. Meg didn't care if Erik didn't love her, she did and she wanted to show him. Taking a risk and being bold, she placed both hands on the side of his face. Her heart was pounding against her chest. She kissed his forehead on the side of his deformity She then wrapped her arms around his neck. He was shocked at her reaction. Never before had someone reacted the way she did twords his appearance. After what felt like an eternity of being wrapped in each other's arms they parted, Meg's hands were on his arm.
"I'm sorry" she said closing her eyes
"Its okay, you meant well"

The rest of the day, they both acted strange to one another. When night time came, Meg fell asleep on the floor again, and again Erik placed her on the bed.
He then proceeded to sit near the organ.
He thought about his moment with Meg earlier. Why had she kissed his face? He simply didn't understand. Why would someone as beautiful as her want to even touch a man as hideous as him?
He glanced behind him. He saw her peacefully asleep. He began to feel for her. He was now looking at her in a way he had never done so. "Could it be so?" He thought to himself. Maybe.. just maybe.. he saw her as more than a friend

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