Chapter 11~

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There he was. Erik. He was holding onto her. So many questions rushed to her head, " How is here, why was here, when did he get back? "
But she pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind, because all that matters to her now was that Erik had returned to her.
They then parted, just the slightest to look each other in the eyes. "What are you doing here, you could've gotten hurt. "
" I had no where else to go. " He replied
She then put both hands on each side of his face. "Meg, " He said her name hesitantly. "Yes" she replied
"You are my only friend, the only person who brings me happiness. Please don't leave me. " Meg was surprised. He had never said anything like that to her.
"I never will" she said smiling at him
She hugged him again. The moment was perfect, she never wanted to let him go.
Then, Meg looked at him and asked
"Erik, can I stay with you tonight? "

That night Meg stayed with him in his lair. She offered to sleep on the floor, but Erik wouldn't allow it. After playfully arguing about who would sleep where, he finally agreed to allow to sleep on the floor. After she had fallen asleep on the floor, he gently picked her up and placed her on the bed. He wasn't going to let her sleep the the cold, dirty floor. As she layed in bed, fast asleep, she looked at her. She came back. Why? He thought. Out of all the people she could have gone with, she chose to return to him. She chose to be by his side. Erik felt something for her that wasn't there before. All his life he thought of her as a friend, could it be possible he actually felt.... more? He didn't know.
Moments later, he heard someone walk in. It was Madam Giry

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