Chapter 14~Thoughts of love from a man

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Morning came and Meg awoke first.
She woke again to find herself laying in the bed. She realized no matter how many times she would fall asleep on the floor, Erik would always lay her back on his bed. Meg saw that she had been wearing the same pair of clothes for two days. A dirty white dress with a bow tied around the waist and a pair of flats, also dirty. She quietly went to her room to change and freshen up.
(Some time later)
~Erik's point of view twords Meg~
Erik awoke. He glanced over the bed expecting to see Meg, but felt his soul leave his body when she wasn't. He frantically searched all over hoping to see
a head of blonde hair somewhere, but saw no one.
He went over to the bed. He began to cry silent tears. How did he think Meg would stay, especially after showing her his face yesterday. His mind went back to every moment he ever had with her.
Him picking her up when she had nearly fallen, her warning him about the mob, kissing his face. He was absolutely heart broken. He knew Meg was the only one for him. How was he supposed to go on without her? He wanted her to be with him. She was there since the beginning, she was there when no one else was. He might not have realized it then, but he did now. He was gaining feelings for Meg. How could he not? She was perfect. Not only was she beautiful, but caring and understanding.
Now, she was gone. Erik then heard someone approaching the lair. When he turned around, he felt a reliving sensation when he saw Meg enter.
He quickly dried his tears and rushed twords her.
"Good morning"
'Where did you go?! " He said almost yelling
"I went to change up in my room" she said, her smile slowly fading
Erik then turned around and stared to walk away.
"You didn't think that I had... left, did you?"
"Of course I did! " He responded
"I wouldn't have been surprised if you had, especially after yesterday.. " Meg began to walk to him. She grabbed his hands into hers. "If I wanted to leave, I would have a long time ago, but I didn't, because I want to be around you. You are my only friend" it killed her inside to call him that, she knew he was more, but she couldn't show it because he didn't feel the same(or so she thought)
The day went by normal. They talked, they smiled, even laughed a little. Erik would steal a glimpse of Meg every now and then. His heart fluttered every time he saw her. He had never felt this way about anyone, not even Christine.
Night time came and once again Meg had fallen asleep on the floor. Lightly chuckling, Erik picked up the girl with blonde hair and placed her on the bed yet again. Sitting on the floor beside the bed, he watched her sleep. She had given him quite the scare this morning. He didn't know what he'd do without her. Erik knew that without her he would have no one. No one who cared as much as she did, no one who understood him as she did, no one who could make him smile as she did. He looked at the girl sleeping in his bed, in a way it was now hers as well, she slept so peaceful. Erik then knew what he felt for Meg. Meg was not only his friend, but his entire life. He knew she was the one who had saved him. He is in love with the girl laying on the bed,
He is in love with Meg Giry.
"But I cannot be" He thought
He knew that there was no way she felt the same. She saw him as a friend, a very good friend.
Erik then fell asleep.
Meg had woken in the middle of the night.
She saw him asleep on the floor. She smiled at him, then got up to cover him with a blanket. She sat on the bed watching him sleep, soon falling asleep herself.
Both of them love each other with all their souls, but neither knew, not yet at least.

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