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Paris France 1870~
After the destruction of the opera house Meg went in search for Erik before the mob could get to him. Meg had no intention of hurting him, she was trying to warn him before they could get to him. It would break her heart to see the man she cared so much for, killed.

"Erik... " she called out into the lair, her voice echoing all around. "Are you here? "

She said. She walked around in search for him. When she found him, she saw him sitting on the floor, tears streaming down his cheeks. She saw him heart broken as he silently cried on the cold floor. "Erik, we need to get you out of here, their coming to kill you. " she said trying to hide the panic in her voice. "Let them" he said not looking up from the ground.

"No, I'm not going to let them hurt you, not today or tomorrow or ever, let's go"

"No Meg, I'm not going anywhere"Meg looked at him confused and sorrowful. She did not blame him for acting this way, he was in pain, he felt alone and unwanted. "Erik, I'm sorry Christine left, I know she meant so much to you, " she said to him, his gaze still on the floor. "But.. " she put her hand on his chin making him face her, "I don't know what to do with myself if I let people hurt the one person I cared most about most in the world. Please, leave while you still can. " Tears were forming in her eyes as she looked at his face, her hand still on his chin. He stared at her. There was silence for a few seconds, they started into each others eyes, and for a moment, there was something there that felt right about the two of them alone together, her touch on his face. His face which she had no fear of. "Please, leave this place, start somewhere new, forget everything that happened. I don't want to see you get hurt and eventually killed" She stood up, gazing at him tears running down her cheeks. He stood up, now standing with her, their hands touching, their faces so close. Meg then wrapped her arms around him, embracing him in a tight, loving hug. He then hesitantly proceeded to wrap his left arm around her upper back and his right arm around her waist, burying his face in her shoulder. They hugged for what seemed like an eternity. Something about his touch upon her felt right, as if it was the only thing she needed. After a few seconds, they parted. They stared into each others eyes for a couple of seconds. "Thank you for all that you've done for me" Erik said, tears still streaming down his face, he gave her a slight smile, and she did as well. "Thank you for being there with me through everything" He said to her. These words made Meg cry even more. " It is I who should thank you for being there in my darkest times when no one else saw me. " Meg said to him once more "Please just go somewhere safe, somewhere you can start off fresh. " He gave her a slight nod. They hugged one more time before parting completely. As Meg was returning to the angry mob above her, she turned to Erik one last time, and turned back to proceed going upstairs. Making her way to the mob above, she broke into tears crossing the lake sobbing just enough to make Erik hear. She felt pain eat her alive and shatter her only happiness she ever had. When the mob had gotten to Erik's lair, he was gone. They searched high and low all around, yet not a trace of him. Meg was thankful he had gotten away in time. Hours later Meg returned to her bedroom. She was alone. She didn't know what to do. She sobbed into her pillow case as her heart ached for the man who was was no longer with her. She remembered their moment earlier and sobbed even more. Meg Giry thought it would be the last time she ever saw the man who brought he so much happiness in her painful life, little did she know, it wasn't.

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