Chapter 12~

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"What is she doing here? " She asked

"She chose to come. " "Of course she did" She said brushing the side of Meg's face with the back of her hand.

"I believe it was you who started the fire, wasn't it? "

  He stayed silent for a minute

"Yes" He finally responded

"Erik you could have killed someone"

"It isn't like I haven't done so before"

There was silence again.

"Where will you go now? "

"Ill stay here, I suppose. Its not like anyone would want this place after tonight"

"Erik, you need to be more careful of your actions. You could have gotten killed tonight. "

  "But I didn't."

There was no point in trying to reason with him.

"I'll be back in the morning time"

Madam Giry was now making her way to the door.  "Oh and Madam, Meg stays with me" He said. "It that so" she replied

  "She said so herself, she wants to stay with me. "

Madam Giry left the room without saying anything. Erik then fell asleep on the floor.

     The next morning, Meg awoke. She was confused as to why she had woken on the bed knowing that she had fallen asleep on the floor. She then saw Erik and walked twords him. He was sitting at the organ, but he wasn't playing it.

  "Good morning" she said, smiling from ear to ear. He stared at her giving her a smile in return. "Good morning" He said

  " I wonder why I awoke at the bed this morning? " She said in a sarcastic tone, still smiling. He smiled but didn't say anything back. "If your hungry, there's some food over there" He pointed at a table filled with food. "Thank you" she said. Time passed and they talked like never before. Meg was happy, the most happiest she'd been in a long time.

As for Erik, he enjoyed have the little blonde girl around. He smiled at her when she wasn't looking, and for once he saw her. Everything about her, everything he didn't notice before. Her eyes, her smile, her beautiful long golden blonde her. Beautiful small freckles just beneath her eyes along her cheeks. Although you could barely tell she had any, he noticed.

    Time flied, and Madam Giry walked in.

"Meg.. please come here" she said

  "Mother, I'm sorry, I should have told you where I went last night-  "I knew you were here, I came and saw you" she interrupted.  Meg stayed silent

   "What comes next, do you plan to stay with him down here for the rest of your life? " Not knowing what to say, Meg stood there. "Meg, we're leaving. I found a place for us to stay. It will be good for us to stay there. It will help us get back on our feet "

"No! " she said to her mother, almost yelling.

  "Mother, I don't want to leave him, I can't."

"Meg you ca- "I love him.. " she responded quickly. Madam Giry's eyes were wide open. "If I leave him, not only will he be heartbroken and lonely, but so will I. Please, please let me stay with him" she pleaded.

Madam Giry looked a Meg.

  "He makes me happy. I love him more than you could ever imagine. "

   "Meg, all I want is for you too be happy, " she said to her daughter pulling her into a hug, "and if he makes you happy, then... " she released her from the hug, "go to him"

   Meg was shocked at her mothers reaction, but also thankful.

"Does he know? " Meg's eyes started to move downwards. "No, I haven't told him yet. " She responded softly.

  She started at her daughter, then lead her back into the lair with Erik, but before she did so, she she kissed her on her forehead and said her farewell.

  Madam Giry then left the lair.

"Everything alright? " Erik asked

"She found a place, somewhere to live, she came to take me with her. "

As he heard these words leave Meg's mouth, he felt his heart leave his body. He didn't want Meg to leave him, but he wouldn't force her to stay with him if she didn't want to. "I see. Its probably best if you go with her then- "I told her I wasn't going" Erik quickly looked up at her in shock. "Why not? "

"Because I want to stay with you. I said I would never leave you and I won't. "

"Meg, I appreciate it, but it will be good for you to leave this place. You have a life,unlike me, you should go live it"

  "But you are my life... " and with those words he felt the world around him disappear and she was the only person he wanted to be with.

  Meg's face when pale. "What was I thinking, why did I say that out loud!!!" She thought to herself.

  Erik slowly began to move closer to her. Meg felt her stomach drop.  He got closer and closer until their faces were so close together, she could hear him breathe..

"Meg," he said slowly as he began to lift his arms....

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