Chapter 7~

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Meg didn't visit Erik as often as she used to before after the night she saw Him and Christine kiss. She thought they would be together all the time now, he had no time for her. After a dreadful rehearsal she did not want to attend, Meg layed on her bed as always and began to think to herself.

Christine was never interested in Erik. She was always after her childhood sweetheart, Raoul, and focused on getting his attention. Christine wanted to spend her life with Raoul, not Erik. She wondered why Christine acted the way she did that night. Did she finally see the exquisite man Erik really was? Was that it?

Christine didn't understand Erik, she never tried to get to know him. Meg was upset, partly at Christine, but mostly at herself. Why didn't she tell him earlier how she truly? Even if she would have, she knew that would change nothing.

Meg cried and cried. She didn't want Erik to leave her. She thought of how her life would be if she were to spend it with him. She would let him know he was perfect. She make him feel like he was the most important person in the world, because to her, he was. She would have let him know that he was the most beautiful man, but that was a fantasy, never to happen.

"If only he knew how much I love him" she thought to herself. A few moments after, Meg than made her way to the kitchen of the opera house for a glass of water. Making her way twords the kitchen, she spotted Christine with Raoul. Meg hid behind a door trying to listen to their conversation. "Raoul, I do love you...But my Angel Of Music needs me. "

"Do you love him?" He asked her. She didn't answer. "I love you" She told him.

"Then runway with me, leave this place and everyone in it. "

"But what if he finds me- "He won't" He immediately responded. "I promise, Lotte"

She smiled at him. They stated at each other, slowly moving closer and sharing a kiss. Meg, devastated by Christine's actions, rushed to tell Erik.

Running into the lair, Meg frantically searched for Erik, her eyes moving everywhere. When she finally saw him she ran to him, hugging him tightly, tears flowing down her face. She hadn't hugged him in so long. "Meg, what is the matter?"

He asked "Erik I- "Where have you been, I haven't seen you in days" he interrupted. "Erik listen" She said trying to remain calm. "I overheard Christine talking with Raoul. She is planning to leave with him with him." He stared at her, first upset, then angrily. "No, that can't be true" He said pulling himself away from her arms. "Yes it is, I heard them, I saw them! "

"No Meg, Christine came to me, she said she was willing to spend her life with me, she kissed me! " He yelled to her "She said she loved Raoul, she kissed him. Do you wish to know what she said when Raoul asked if she loved you? Nothing. She said nothing, then she said that she loved him but she needed to stay with you because you need her. That is the only reason she came to you, because she feels forced to be with you. " The tension in the room was heavy. "No, no. She wouldn't do that to me" You could hear the sadness in his voice. "I'm telling the truth, Erik. I wouldn't lie to you." Tears were starting to appear in his eyes. He knew she was telling the truth. "I'm sorry" she said in a shaky voice. Meg held out her hands twords him, he took them. She then proceeded to hug him. He returned it with a tight one. She could feel his pain. His pain WAS her pain. "You should return now" "No i'm not leaving you"

"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself" He said parting from their hug.

"Erik, your hurt, i'm not leaving you. Please just let me stay" She hugged him once more. He didn't argue anymore.

That night before she could fall asleep, Meg told him she needed to return, she was sure she had rehearsal in the morning. They said their farewells. "May I come tomorrow? " she asked before leaving. "Of course" He answered.

As she made her way into her room, she was shocked. Christine was there waiting for her.

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