Tired Ink

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Ink's tired body fell against the desk for the fifth time that period. Miss let out a sigh as everyone's eyes were yet again drawn to her inanimate body. A few giggles echoed across the classroom and one of the boys near the back began scrunching up a piece of paper and aiming it at her. Error looked at Ink and bit his lip. As the paper projectile neared her head he reached out and caught it. The whole class froze in surprise and Miss stared at the two curiously.

"Listen up," He said, putting a hand on her head protectively. "She's tired because she stayed up all night for my sister. If any of you touch her today I will beat you to a pulp, got it?" The students moved back to their projects in silence. Error looked down at the desk where Ink was sleeping. Was sleeping. She was staring at him, her eyes wide. "Shit she heard that." He removed his hand and sat back down. "Don't think too much about it. I'm doing this for Geno."

"T-Thank you?" She said uncertainly. He shrugged and took their project. There were only two more lessons, including this one, to finish their project in class. So far Error hadn't done anything to help but now he was the only one who had the energy to contribute. "Um, Error?" Ink began.


"You stayed up just as late," She yawned. "Why aren't you tired?" Error didn't answer for a moment.

"I slept in," He answered.


"I slept in and missed first period." Ink bolted up and frowned at him.

"B-But you can't!" He grinned.

"Oh yes I can." She glared at him.

"You're not supposed to miss school! Why did Aunt CQ let you do that?!"

"She left for work...early..." His grin fell as he trailed off.

"Are you guys...?" Ink asked. Error looked down at the project and continued working.

"It's none of your business. Go back to sleep." He fell silent. Ink looked away and rested her head on the desk again.


Dust flew through the crowd, a wide grin on his face. Suddenly a hand grabbed him from behind and brought him to a grinding halt.

"Woah woah woah where are you going, mate?" It was Horror. Dust grinned wider at him.

"Didn't you hear?" He asked. Horror shrugged.

"Hear what?" He asked.

"Glitchy was protecting Inky during Art." Horror's jaw dropped.

"No way! They hate each other!"

"It's true. Info-chan got a text in the middle of Science."

"Dude you seriously need to stop calling her that."

"But she knows everything! Anyway, people started to tease Ink about how much she was falling asleep in Art but Error stood up and threatened to beat them to a pulp if they kept doing it!"


"What are you assholes talking about?" Nightmare appeared beside them.

"We're talking about what Error did in Art," Dust said.

"Oh yeah, I heard about that." Nightmare looked around.

"Whatcha lookin' for?" Horror asked. Nightmare looked at him and shrugged.


"Your girlfr-" Dust let out a grunt as he was hit against the wall.

"Stop calling Cross my girlfriend." He walked away, disgruntled. Horror helped him up.

"I feel like we should stop calling Cross his girlfriend," Dust coughed. Horror smiled.

"You think?"

Dream ran up to her friend, smiling.

"Hey Ink!" She called. Ink looked up.

"Huh? What is it?" She asked.

"You know everyone knows what happened in Art right?" Ink's face flushed red. "Since when did Error care enough to protect you? And do you want to get some rest?"

"He only did it because I stayed up for Geno!" Ink protested. "And... yeah, I'm gonna take a nap by the tree. Please make sure Blue doesn't draw on my face."

"You got it."

Nightmare looked down at the locket in his hand. He'd retreated to a secluded area where his friends, and especially his sister, couldn't find him.

"Don't forget," It read.

"What is there not to forget?" Nightmare wondered. "What is she hiding in this locket?And why'd she give it to me of all people?"

"Nightmare?" Nightmare looked up sharply and moved to put the locket away when his wrist was caught by Reaper. "What's that you got there Night?" He asked. Nightmare opened his hand. Reaper was chill, in his opinion; wiser than he looked too. "A locket?" Nightmare nodded. "And what's so interesting about it?"

"Not sure yet," Night answered. "Cross gave it to me while we were at the carnival but I've got no idea why." Suddenly Nightmare remembered. "Oh yeah, how are you doing?" Reaper laughed.

"Who is this Nightmare that cares about people?" Nightmare grinned.

"I make exceptions for friends." Reaper crosses his arms over his chest.

"I'm fine but if I might make a suggestion, try opening that thing. It is a locket after all." He shrugged and walked away, looking strangely lost. Nightmare looked back at the locket.

"Am I a dumbass or what?" He opened it. Two slips of paper were inside. One was a picture. It had who he supposed was Cross standing next to two boys and a girl all younger than her, smiling. They were all wearing black and white but Cross didn't have a scar on her cheek like she did now. The other slip of paper was just a few words.

19 Darken St, through the back.

Reaper grimaced as he walked the halls of the school, lonely. The place felt weird without Geno to pester and he really didn't have anything to do without her around.

"You should really join a club or something. Not only will you leave me alone for a few hours but you might have something to do when I'm not here for you to pester."

"You were right Gen," Reaper muttered. "But I'm still worried about what you meant when you said you won't be here."

High school (Discontinued)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara