Denial and Acceptance

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Horror laughed.

"What's with that reaction?" He asked. Lust was still staring at him in utter shock. She rubbed her temples and blinked as she processed what he just asked.

"I'm sorry can you say that again?" She asked. "I don't think I heard you correctly."

"I said 'Wanna go out with me?'," Horror answered. "So do you?" Lust stared at him.

"Are you serious?" She asked in slight disbelief. "You're not joking with me?"

"No, why would I?" Lust studied his face. He looked completely honest, his face was open and innocent. He smiled. "Don't you trust me?" He asked. Lust couldn't help but smile back.

"Ok." Horror perked up.

"Really?!" Lust nodded.

"Yeah." Horror punched his fist in the air.


Fresh watched his brother as they walked out of school. Error tried to ignore him but by the time they'd turned the corner at the end of the street he'd had enough.

"What are you staring at me for?" He asked irritably.

"You like Ink bro," Fresh said. "It's real obvious." Error glared at him.

"I don't like Ink. I hate her."

"Sounds like something someone with a crush on their former best friend and current rival would say." Error growled in annoyance.

"Shut up Fresh!"

"Just sayin' bro. It's better to get it out in the open than keep all them unfresh feelin's locked up inside." Error rolled his eyes.

"The only feeling I have for Ink is dislike. She's annoying and naive and she never leaves me alone. She just can't let me do my own thing and has to get all angry about it. She suddenly turned into mum in 7th grade and yelled at me."

"You were bullying people bro. You gotta admit that was some pretty unfresh behaviour. Maybe she's angry about that."

"I stopped doing that ages ago!"

"Yeah cause Ink yelled at ya and you felt bad. Admit it man, you have a crush on her. You always have." Error huffed but didn't say anything.

Dust could feel the tension. He was walking home with Blue again but she seemed more on edge.

"Carrot cooled down after you left," she said suddenly. (Or out of the blue you could say) "He sobered up and we got to talk for a while."

"That's good," Dust replied. "Did you come to an understanding?"

"Yeah, he's gonna try and hold back on partying and drinking and spend more time with me." She smiled slightly. "He asked if you were my boyfriend and if he needed to beat you up." Dust smiled back.

"Ah I see, the protective brother I've heard talk of has come into play." Blue nodded, her smile widening.

"Yep, it's been a while since he's been protective of me so... thanks." Dust gave her a mock bow.

"It's what I do. Use my tragic past to manipulate dysfunctional families." Blue's smile faded as they kept walking.

"Dust, what happened to your brother?" Dust tensed.

"Uhhh," he began awkwardly. He sighed. "Sorry Blue I don't think I'm ready to talk about that." Blue smiled and nodded.

"That's ok. I'm sorry for asking." And just like that, the tension was back.

Dream stared at the piece of paper, placing and removing her hand. She brought her knees up to her chest and rocked back and forth.


I love you

Her mouth was dry and she felt ready to cry. Her chest was churning with uncertain emotions. She gulped.

"Killer...I..." A tear fell from her cheek onto the now crumpled piece of paper.

"I think I love you too."

Ok after this is a few very short chapters. They are short for a reason but I'm just warning you guys now.

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