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Dream, Nightmare, Ink, Blue, Error, Fresh, Reaper and Ms CQ all waited in the foyer for news. Nightmare was more anxious for his friends than the little tsundere and Blue and Dream were anxious because they were like that but everyone else was in agonies. Ms CQ was always anxious when her daughter was trapped in hospital, even if she was there often. Error was regretting ever leaving Geno alone. Ink was regretting not asking Geno if she was ok more often. Fresh was acutely aware of the danger Geno was in and kept watching the door to the elevator upstairs. Reaper was...well...Reaper. The door opened and a woman came through the door holding a clipboard.

"She's alright," the doctor said. "She's just resting. You can come in but family only." Ms CQ, Error and Fresh nodded and followed the doctor upstairs. Nightmare looked at Dream, Ink and Blue.

"I'll take you guys home now. Reaper can get home himself," he said. Blue accepted gratefully but Ink shook her head.

"Thanks but I'll stay here a while longer," she said. Dream and Blue looked worried but Nightmare shrugged and lead the two out of the hospital. Reaper looked at Ink.

"I'll be waiting too," he said. Ink nodded and they both sat back on the couch.

Ms CQ held Geno's hand as she slept and sighed in relief for the fourth time since they entered the room. Error was sitting on the chair on the other side of the bed and watching Geno's breathing. Fresh was watching her vitals.

"Are you sure she's been taking her medicine?" The doctor asked. "We ran a blood test and didn't find any traces of the drug she uses." Ms CQ shook her head.

"I don't know. I thought we had enough but.." she trailed off and buried her face in the hospital bed. Error took her hand.

"Don't worry Mum. We'll find a way," he said. She nodded and the doctor took her leave. Fresh looked at his watch.

"It's almost midnight," he said. "What happened to the others?" Ms CQ's head shot up.

"Oh, I forgot about them! And they were so nice in coming here too! I'd like to thank them but I dare say they left." She stood up. "Come on, we'll come and see Geno tomorrow." The family left and headed back downstairs to the foyer. To their surprise, they found Reaper still in the foyer.

"What are you still doing here?" Error asked.

"I wanted to know how she was doing," he answered

"That's very nice of you," said CQ, smiling. "She's alright. We're coming back to see her again tomorrow." Reaper nodded and smiled then suddenly seemed like he remembered something.

"Oh yeah Ink!" he said.

"Ink?" Error asked. Reaper moved over to a couch obscured from their view. He shook a figure lying on it and groan was heard. Ink, her white hair a mess, rose from the couch and yawned.

"What's going on?" She asked sleepily.

"They just came out," Reaper said. Ink stood up and turned to the CQ's. Ms CQ smiled at her.

"It's good to see you again Ink," she said kindly. Error was staring at her, dumbstruck.

"What's going on with Geno?" Ink asked.

"We're coming back to see her tomorrow. You two should really get some sleep." Ink nodded tiredly and Reaper smiled.

"Nice seeing you Ms CQ but there's definitely a half cooked sausage roll in the oven," he said. Ms CQ laughed.

"I'll save it for you," she said. He waved and left the hospital. Ink looked down at the couch. "We'll drive you home Ink." Ink nodded wearily and followed them to their car. Fresh got in the front with Ms CQ so Error was forced to sit in the back with Ink. Error looked out the window as they drove, ignoring Ink like always. They pulled up to Ink's house and he finally looked at her. She was slumped against the window, asleep. CQ smiled.  "Can you take her inside Error?" She asked, tiredness creeping into her voice. Error nodded and got out of the car. Carefully opening the door Ink was leaning against he picked her up and took her inside the house. He still had a spare key to her house and he knew his way around. He lay her on the bed and watched her for a bit.

"Why'd you stay Ink?" He asked quietly. She stirred a bit and he left just in case she woke up and found him watching her.

"When did you get to sleep Ink?" Blue asked anxiously as they sat under a tree the next morning. Ink shrugged.

"I don't know. I don't even remember how I got home," she answered. Ink's eyes were red with tiredness and she had bags under her eyes. She yawned. "At least Geno's alright," she muttered sleepily.

"We all love Geno," Dream said. "But you have to look after yourself too." Ink nodded and rested her head on her knees, not really paying attention.

"You alright Ink?" Ink looked up. Reaper stood above them looking concerned. She gave him a thumbs up, causing him to chuckle. "Alright well have a nap when you get home or something. You look like death." He chuckled and Ink smiled as he walked away.

"He's right you know," Dream said.

"Shut up Dream."

Nightmare looked at the locket in his hand again. His class had been dismissed early so no one else was out yet. He had planned on giving it back to Cross but she wasn't at school. There was no feeling of being watched and no figure hiding in the shadows. The school felt... wrong somehow without her there.

"Hey Night." Nightmare jumped and hid the locket on impulse.

"Oh hi Kills," He said. Killer looked tired like he hadn't slept in a week. "You ok?"

"Huh? Oh yeah. Just didn't sleep much last night. Insomnia got to me," he answered. Nightmare nodded.

"Hey, you wanna come over to mine for a sleepover?" Nightmare asked. Killer shrugged.

"Yeah, sure I guess. I might sleep better with you two around." He smiled. Nightmare smiled back then adopted a more serious expression.

"You should move in Kills. It's much better for you. You know that place is just making you worse." Killer shrugged.

"I don't really belong with you guys. I'm better off just staying at my place." Nightmare shook his head.

"No Kills, I'm serious this time. You became a part of our family a long time ago. Leave your past behind." Killer looked down.

"I don't know..."

"Alright, how about this? You come over for a two-night sleepover and if I haven't convinced you by then I'll leave you alone. Deal?" Killer shrugged and nodded. Nightmare smiled to himself, already thinking about how he would convince him

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