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Geno smiled at the nurses as they left the room, finally done giving her a check-up. Soon it was only her and Reaper in the room. He smiled at her.

"How are you feeling after being in a coma about a week?" He asked. Geno shrugged.

"I don't know," she answered. "It feels like I experienced a whole week of things in one second."

"Sounds like fun." Reaper was holding her hand again and he kept looking up at her face then back down at their interlocked hands.

"What's wrong?" She asked. Reaper shrugged.

"If you weren't sick would you let me hold your hand like this?" he asked. Geno frowned.

"I... don't know? Why?" Reaper shrugged again.

"I..." he trailed off and gulped. "Geno there's something I want to tell you." Geno looked a bit worried.

"Is it something bad? Did something happen while I was out?" She asked. Reaper shook his head.

"No, I've been wanting to tell you this for a very long time." Geno looked expectantly at him, a trace of worry still evident on her face. "You know I like to be honest."

"Yes, I know."

"Well... I honestly... I wanted to say..." He fell silent.

"Is this what you wrote on my hand the first time I passed out?" Geno asked.

"What d-did I write?" Reaper asked, panicking.

"Not sure," Geno replied. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you about to tell me?"

"Maybe..." Reaper hesitated. "I..." He gulped. "Damnit I'll just say it. I love you Geno and I'm really really hoping you're not gonna punch me right now because I'm telling you the truth and I'm hoping you like me back even if it's probably a pipe dream and I should just shut up." Geno was frozen. Her mouth was open.

"O-Oh..." Was all she could say.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable I didn't mean to blurt all that out. I wanted to keep it short but-" He stopped talking as Geno leant over and kissed him on the forehead.

"It's alright," she whispered, pulling him into a hug. "I've just never seen you this nervous. I really wore you out worrying didn't I?" Reaper rested his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. "Did you mean what you said?" Geno asked. Reaper nodded.

"You think I'd lie about something like that?" he asked. Geno shook her head.

"No." They were silent for a few moments. "Reaper, were you going to tell me if I didn't end up in hospital?" Reaper stayed silent. "Reaper," Geno prompted.

"...Maybe." Geno chuckled.

"You weren't." Reaper huffed, pushing himself up off her hospital bed.

"Well you weren't exactly inviting and it's fun teasing you, but when you collapsed and almost died I got scared I'd lose you." Geno snorted.

"Like I'd die that easily."

"But you were always talking like you thought you were going to die and I was here when you-"

"Reaper shut up."

"But Gen-" Geno finally shut him up by pushing her lips on his. He stumbled back in surprise. Geno looked down, blushing.

"I told you to shut up idiot," she mumbled in embarrassment. Reaper stood frozen for a moment then laughed.

"There's my little tsundere."

Killer was sitting exactly where Nightmare thought he would be. His old house was dark and broken down. No one had touched it since Killer had come back with Dream and the grass in the front was yellow and dying.

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