Woke Up

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Reaper couldn't help but stare at Geno in pure disbelief. She'd only lasted a few minutes before she'd fallen back to sleep, something the nurse said was perfectly normal, but in that time they'd managed a check-up and confirmed she was going to live. The time ticked by, with most of the staff away for the holidays, he was the only one there to look after her apart from a few nurses with nowhere to go. Error, Ink, Fresh and CQ half ran into the room, ignoring the late hour and the protesting nurses, and demanded to know exactly what had happened.

"She actually woke up?" CQ asked for the fifteenth time since she'd gotten there. Reaper nodded. "Oh praise the lord! She's going to be ok!" Error was clearly keeping himself from crying and Ink was trying to do the same but with a smaller degree of success. Fresh patted his back.

"You should get some food and rest bro," he said. "Gen woke up and she'll wake up again. You don't have to watch over her now that we're here." Reaper shook his head.

"No," he said firmly. "I have to tell her something important when she wakes up. I can't miss it." Fresh looked at his mum and shrugged. She simply smiled and watched her daughter with newfound hope in her eyes.

"I'm so glad she's going to be ok," she said. "For a moment-" she interrupted herself, shaking her head. "I'll go get everyone some food. You kids can wait here." Her children and Reaper nodded (Ink is her child and we all know it) watching as she left the room.

"So you're finally gonna get to tell her," Fresh said, sitting down. "You nervous?" Reaper shrugged.

"I'm anxious," he answered truthfully. "But I'm also excited." Fresh grinned.

"Well if you need help I consider myself a good wingman. I've been trying to help Error bro along so I'm more than happy to help you." Reaper laughed.

"I think I'll be fine." Frowning he looked around the room. "Where is Error... and Ink for that matter." Fresh shrugged.

"Who knows. Wherever they went it's best to leave them alone. It's not all that important." Reaper nodded and turned to smile at Geno.

"Yeah, it's not important."

"Why'd you take me out of there?" Ink asked. "I was fine." Error smiled patiently at her.

"You were not fine you were about to cry and you hate crying in front of people," he retorted. Ink bit her lip and tears started forming in her eyes.

"Ok fine but..." she trailed off, holding back her tears. "I was just so happy she wasn't going to..." she covered her face in her hands. "I'm sorry, I'm being moody." Error took her in his arms and hugged her tight.

"Shh it's ok. It's ok. My sister's going to be fine and there's nothing wrong with you," he whispered in her ear. Ink wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer to her. Wiping away her tears, Error kissed her cheek, then her forehead. Ink smiled to herself.

"You're more romantic than you look," she muttered.

"You don't need to be rude just cause you missed most of my dating life," Error muttered back. Ink stuck out her tongue and Error laughed. "Alright calm down."

"Kiss me and I will." Error frowned.

"What's with all the kissing requests?" He asked. "I mean I'm not complaining but..." (I'm just craving ship kisses rn tbh)

"Error CQ stop complaining and kiss me," Ink ordered. Error shrugged and kissed her, wiping away the rest of her tears as he did.

Dream sat next to Blue in Blue's room, going through the last of their homework. They lay spread out on her floor, ignoring the setting sun outside.

"Where's your brother?" Dream asked, yawning.

"Out," Blue answered. "But he won't be out long. He's hanging with his girlfriend." (Insert girlfriend here I don't really ship Stretch with anyone)

"He got a girlfriend?" Dream asked. "When?"

"A few weeks ago," Blue replied, shrugging. "But what about you and Killer? What's-" She stopped as she noticed Dream's face was completely red. "Oh? What happened?"

"He um..." Dream trailed off. "He may have..." Blue looked at her expectantly.

"What?" She finally cried. "You can't leave me hanging!"

"He may have... kissed me." Blue's mouth dropped open.

"He did? What was that like?" Dream's hand moved to her lips and she smiled.

"It was... nice." They jumped as the front door opened downstairs.

"That'll be my bro," Blue said. "I'm going to say hello. Don't let your mind wander too far." Dream squeaked as Blue ran out of the room and downstairs.

Cross nudged Nightmare in the shoulder with the back of her hand. She was lying on her stomach next to him, her legs swinging up and down

"What?" Nightmare asked wearily, turning around to look at her.

"You're brooding," She signed. "You're thinking about Killer." Nightmare frowned.

"So what if I am? He's trying to date my sister!"

"And why are you so against that?" Nightmare crossed his arms.

"I don't know... I feel... betrayed," He answered. "Am I being an idiot?" Cross nodded. Nightmare groaned.

"You need to let it go. They like each other."

"And how do you know that?"

"It's been a week. They haven't been separate that whole time." Nightmare growled under his breath. Cross let out her little giggling noise. "They love each other." She sat up and kissed him. "How would you like it if Dream got angry at you for dating me?" Nightmare booped her on the nose.

"Fine," he admitted. "You're right. I shouldn't be so angry at them." Cross raised an eyebrow.

"The last time you said something like that you were a sour puss all week and made Killer depressed." Nightmare groaned and put a hand to his heart.

"I solemnly swear to make up with Killer and deal with the fact that he wants to date my sister," he promised. "That good enough?" Cross nodded and Nightmare wrapped an arm around her waist. He pressed his lips on hers and kissed her. Cross's hands rose to cup his cheeks. The door opened and they broke apart to find Frisk there.

"Sorry," she said. "But Paps says he can't find Killer."

The afterdeath approaches

And so too does the release of my new book

I'm excited

But also terrified

But more importantly


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