Invisible Princess. 🥵

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Hi. My name Thalia Princess of Rimiata. Never heard of it. Yeah I guessed that. I mean I'm not even the next in line I'm actually 6th. I have two older brothers and they both have children two each. So I'm not in the press really. I spend most of my time in other countries having sex with every girl who gets drunk enough to end up in my hotel rooms.

Tonight I was already drunk before I entered the club. A group of girl came up to me and started to dance, one of them caught my eye she had red hair and bright green eyes. A sexy song came on and she began to grind on me. I knew at that point I would be taking her to my hotel room we danced for felt like forever my hands haft made their way up the length of her body and moved swiftly enough to move her sweaty hair from her neck. "You are beautiful. " I said into her ear, barely audible above the loud music pumping through us. "And your sexy! " she said a little louder I kissed her neck, but she quickly replaced it with her lips probably not wanting wait much longer before she could get me alone. "Let's get outta here! " I shouted now that the music was 10x louder. "Let's! " we made our way out of the club and into a cab.

I gave him the address of the hotel that I was staying at. My normal plan for these situations was buy a hotel room get drunk enough that I don't remember shit and then bail in the morning leaving the girl enough money for a taxi and her clothes ready for her to redress. However tonight this was my oldest brother Pedro's hotel room (he had booked it for business). So it was fancy AF. I brought her inside and hoped that my brother wasn't in the main sweit. Luckily he wasn't so that meant that getting the girl into my room would be easy but getting her out the next day might be a challenge. But I didn't think about that.

I pushed her into my room and locked the door immediately pushing her to the bed and ripping our clothes off. I kissed down her left side until I heard a little whimper escaping her lips. "Oh? Is my babydoll nervous? " she shook her head but I stopped what I was doing to move to her lips. "What do you want me to do babydoll? " I asked, I always ask that question I mean I get enjoyment out of any type of sex so I want the girl to feel special. "Tell me your name. " she said I kissed her cheek and her chin then said "Thalia. What about you?" I asked as I kissed her stomach but I kept my eyes on her's. "Juli. " she was struggling to breathe so I stopped kissing the bottom part of her stomach and said "what would you like me to do to you Juli?" She placed her hand on my shoulder and said "suck my clit! " I was shocked at her new found confidence but found it attractive. "As you wish... "

I soon had removed her shorts and thong and placed it in my back pocket. In no time I was inside of her pussy sucking and licking it up. Juli pulled my hair inorder to make me go deeper as her moans indicated that she would so reach her climax. I place a finger into her clit. She screamed so loud I was scared my brother could here it. Lucky for me he didn't care he knew I was nobody to the press unless they had dirt on one of us or needed a quote but other than that I was invisible. I kissed her for a while making her taste her own juices but I couldn't hold it any longer I shot out a loud and so did she. I laughed and moved up the large bed. "That was amazing. " she spoke softly. "Yes. I'm glad I could be of assistance to you babydoll. Now come we must rest. " I could tell the alcohol was wereing off since I was talking in my formal manner once more. Juli climbed up next to me and was asleep before even saying goodnight. I kissed her forehead and led in bed ready for tomorrow.

The morning came and I woke up to what I usually left. A new set of clothes placed on my side and a glass of water. But Juli was nowhere to be seen. I quickly got dressed thinking nothing of it. I mean it was just a one night stand. I'm not Sam Smith for crying out loud. I went into the siut to make some breakfast when I saw a dreaded sight. There she was Juli sitting at the table with my brother Pedro. "Brother. Juli. " I said as I walked over to them with a bow. "Hello dear sister. Now Juli her was telling me about your dance skills. However I don't believe they are anything I've or your teachers have taught you. " I grabbed an apple and sat opposite him next to Juli as I said "yep I'm not as proper as you want me to be. I go out drinking and I hook up with beautiful women. " Pedro laughed and placed a hand on mine. "Just don't let the media find out. Only private clubs. " he said pointing a finger at me. He then excused himself and was gone.

"So last night was fun. " Juli said from the silence. "Yeah. I liked your moans they were different. " I said questions running through my head. "How old are you? Wait are you a virgin?! " I asked scared that I just slept with a 18 year old. She placed her hand on her cup and smiled. "I'm 22. You my first for lesbian sex. So I guess I was. I had sex once before but it was with a guy and its what made me go from bi to gay. " I smiled now knowing I didn't do it with a teen. "So those moans where new for you that's why they sounded so strange? " I smiled she laughed and said "well your Highness I best be off. " I was mad that Pedro told her but instead of saying anything I grabbed her arm and said "please take my number and don't call me that I'm just Thalia or even Thai I don't mind." She smiled and I wrote my phone number on her hand and kissed her softly. "Okay thankyou for the experience Thai I enjoyed myself."

And just like that she was gone with £10.00 for a taxi and my phone number on her mind and hand.

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