Pirates In Love. Part 2 🥰

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I was sad when Misty had to leave my Hammock. It was if she was a tamed flame which warmed me, that I could put out and relight when ever I wished. But I did not wish to ever put her out. I sat alone in the crows nest looking over Misty's ship. I saw her smile up at me and wave. I waved back.

Only for when I turned around to see a huge storm coming straight towards us. I called down to my men and Misty heard. In record time each ship was ready for the storm's approach apon us. I called for Misty to join me on my ship. She soon came over and held me close.
"Em I'm scared I've never sailed into a storm before. "
I looked down at the small girl tears in her eyes as she spoke.
"Don't worry my darling. My ship is on of the best we'll make it through. "
I then saw across my ship and onto Misty's her first mate was angry. By what? I did not know. However I believed it had something to do with my relationship with his Captain.
"Go into my quarters I have to man the ship for a while I'll be right with you. "
I said letting go of my love and sending her towards my quarters. I looked over to see that her first mate was gone. So instead of talking to him now I would man the ship for a while and talk later.

I walked into my quarters to see Misty crying and curled up into my blanket.
"Oh dear. Please don't cry Misty. "
I pleaded as I walked over to her and sat on the hammock. I placed my gloved hand on her's and she smiled at me with love in her eyes.
"I'm sorry Emily I just. Hate storms. "
She said still scared I knew already what had happened to make her hate storms so much I mean one killed her parents. When she was eleven years old her house was picked up by a mighty wind as she stood out side and watched as her parents and their home were thrown half way across their village leaving her an orphan.

After the storm had died down Misty and I left my cabin to see all of are men looking down at us her first man in front he spoke.
"Are dear Captain has hidden herself from the rainstorm. And we are supposed to alow that. "
I was furious that he would allow himself to go against her.
"How dare you speak against your Captain! "
I said my voice raised
"She is not fit to be Captain so I will be taking over. "
He said with his sword raised Misty's crew joined in and raised their swords in agreement, then their new Captain walked them back towards their ship were he cut the ropes connecting the two ships and they said off towards a new direction.

I looked down to see Misty crying once more.
"I'm sorry Misty but I agree that your safer here. With me. "
I said about to grab her shoulder but before I could I was swatted away by her soft hand and said.
"Well then! You got your wish! You should be happy that you get to keep me here on this ship! "
I was happy, I was happy I didn't have to wait years to see her.
"Misty you are the love of my life. Of course I'm happy I get to grow old with you now. "
I said hugging her this time she did not move away. I walked with her towards the wheel and we sailed towards the island for supplies together side by side. She was stirring whilst I hugged her from behind.
"I missed you. "
I whispered softly into her ear.
"I missed you too and I still did when we were even an inch apart these thew days. "
She said into my ear knowing that she couldn't hold me back.
"Let's go to sleep. It's been a long day."
I said wanting only to hold her as we slept. She didn't say anything instead she nodded her head and led me to our cabin were we sat on the hammock and cuddled as we slept until the next dawning day.

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