First Day At Work. 🥰

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(Another dream I had lol)

Erica's pov

It was my first day at my new job as a Graphic Designer, I will be working in a team so I hope I make some friends. I walked into the office and was taken to the room I will be working in by a guide.

"So this is your desk, feel free to decorate it, and this is room is where your team mates will all be, I will introduce you to them soon. That over there is the coffee station, feel free to bring in any pouches or a type of milk however I must warn you that even if your name is on it, it will be borrowed by other people so as long as you don't mind that, but if there is any medicated cold food you need we can store that for you. That room is the meetings room where you will discuss projects and assign roles."

I looked into the room and nodded before putting my bag down on my chair. "This place looks great." I said smiling, the guide nodded and brought me over to each of my team matesI met three guys and a then came to the last desk. "Yumi this is Erica, she will be working with you."

The guide said to the woman behind her desk. Yumi stood up and reached out to shake my hand, I shook her hand and she smiled at me. "Now your boss is Miss Darla which means by having you hear the gender ratio is equal again." The guide said as we walked back to my desk.


After a meeting where they are assigned their jobs for the day.


Still Erica's pov

I went to get some coffee but felt someone looking at me, I turned around and it was Yumi. She quickly turned back to her computer so I poured her some coffee too and headed over to her desk. I noticed she had a coster so I placed the coffee on it and asked. "So what you up to?" Yumi smiled and said. "Well I'm on logo designs right now, but the only ideas I can think of for a fish company is sadly fish, which the client said he didn't want." I nodded and sat my desk.

Our desks are in a U shape so we can see eachother's computers and help out easily. "I'm sure you'll think of something. What else do they sell? Or could make a fish/sea monster cartoon?" I said which got her thinking I smiled and she started to draw. "Thankyou! Abd thankyou for the coffee!"


That's it sorry, I wasn't feeling this story feel free to use it but let me know I'd like to read our ideas.

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