Chapter 30

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I sat on the floor of the cold cell, behind the rusty bars. My arms were wrapped around my legs as my head hung low. I didn't want to be in here let alone stay in here for only god knows how long. I still continued to think about who would've did this to me, but still came up with no one. I lifted my head at the sound of shoes clicking against the floor and keys jingling.

"today's your lucky day Thompson" the police officer said opening my cell. "what do you mean?" I asked quickly emerging from the floor. "someone bailed you" he simply stated. I walked out of the stall to see Jordan standing at the front desk with his hands in his pockets waiting for me. I quickly ran over to him and hugged him tightly, but let go a little remembering he was injured.

"thank you so much" I whispered. When we released, something came to me. "where am I gonna, live Audrey kicked me out?" I asked him. He just raised his eyebrows without speaking. "but....".

"you're getting a job" he said. I scoffed, "you're kidding me right?".

"everything is not a fucking joke Maya, this shit is serious" he raised his voice at me. "Jesus, fine!" I yelled back. "now that's no way to talk to someone who's taking you into their home Miss Thompson" the police officer butted in. "we already have your clothes and stuff at my place, and by the way, mom isn't exactly too happy with me about this so you owe me big time" he said as we walked out of the building.

I let out a sigh as we got into the car, and he pulled off. The whole car ride was silent, the only sound coming from the engine. When we pulled up in front of the apartment, Jordan got out of the car and slammed the door behind him. "what a gentlemen you are, thank you for opening the door for me" I sarcastically stated, slamming the door also. I walked in behind him, looking in amazement at all the furniture he had.

"where did all of this come from?" I asked.

"none of your business" he said. I just scoffed and rolled my eyes at him. "why are you being so mean to me? as a matter of fact, why are you even mad at me?" I yelled. "I'm not just mad at you!" he screamed.

"wow that helps me a lot"

"I'm mad at you, I'm mad at myself, I'm fucking infuriated with TJ-"

"what the hell does TJ have to do with any of this?" I asked, cutting him off. "are you fucking blind to the facts Maya? its so got damn obvious that TJ's the one that set you up. I'm mad at you because you were dumb enough to fall for his shit and let him make you think that he was a good guy" he explained. I just stood there quietly, fondling with my fingers. "I'm gonna go to bed now, couch is all yours" he said pointing to the dark green sofa in the living room, a small coffee table in front of it.

When he closed his room door behind him, I walked in the living room, and over to the small closet that had suitcases in it. They were my suitcases. I unzipped one, and put on a sweatshirt that reached my mid-thigh, having a hard time finding a pair of pajama pants. After that, I searched for my toothbrush, and brushed my teeth before laying down on the couch. I started to get cold, and I kind of wanted to bother Jordan, so I got up and lightly knocked on his door.

"what?" he groaned. "I need a blanket".

He opened the door and shoved the blanket in my hands, before shutting it back. "thanks" I whispered, walking back over to the couch, and laying back down. I tossed and turned continuously getting bored of looking at the white walls all night. A half an hour later, I got up and knocked on Jordan's door again. "what do you want Maya?" he asked. And I was surprised he was still awake.

"umm, I'm hungry"

"so why do you need me?"

"I'm scared?" I said as more of a question. I heard him get out of his bed and drag his feet over to the door and opened it, with no shirt on. "what do you really want?" he asked. "I-I can't sleep" I whispered not making eye contact with him. He stared at me for a while, and walked closer to me. He was so much taller than me, that my forehead stopped at his chin. I still refused to look at him as I felt his breath fan my face.

Austin's Angel (Austin Mahone Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang