Chapter 3

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After all the questioning and 2 guards having to physically remove Michelle's body from the building, we finally made it home. I went into my room finishing my dinner, then showered to get ready for bed. I grabbed the bear from my closet and laid it in my bed with me. A couple of minutes later I jumped up realizing Austin still had my phone. How could I have not noticed I didn't have it by now. And how could Austin not give it back to me. Well I do have his bear......But he doesn't know that.

I laid down and went back to sleep. Or at least I tried. My eyes were becoming heavy and I was constantly yawning, but I just couldn't go to sleep. I could see the sky start to become bright and automatically knew it was going on 6 o'clock. I finally began to doze off but I only got about a half an hour of sleep before Michelle knocked on my door telling me to get up. I lazily got out of my bed and hoped into the shower nearly falling asleep in there. When I got out I placed the bear back into my closet and made my bed.

I was so tired today so I put on a grey sweater with a skull on it, black tights, and grey boots. I just wore my hair out since it was curly from the braids I had in yesterday. I grabbed a banana from the kitchen before heading out the door with Michelle. We parked in our usual spot of the school parking lot and went our seperate ways.


School went by fast and I did what I did during class all the time: draw. I was upset I didn't have my cellphone to play games during my stupid classes when my teachers told me to stop drawing on the desk so I just fell asleep. Everytime a teacher told Andrew to wake me up, he just told them to leave me alone and let me sleep. He's still not my friend. When I got home, I spray painted the Mario brothers on an empty spot of one of my walls. I don't know why but that's just the first thing that came to my head.

After painting, I ate my dinner then went to bed with the bear once again. I was thinking about how I was gonna get my phone back from Austin. He was probably in like.....London right now. I let myself finally fall asleep to the soothing sound of my parents arguing about which wall to put Michelle's baby picture on in the living room. Its like music to a girl's ears.


I woke up to a bright, sunny, afternoon. yes, afternoon. It was finally the weekend and I could sleep as long as I wanted and go out to buy more paint for my room, not having to care about stupid school. I soon heard a loud knock on my door. "Maya get up you're taking me to an Austin Mahone meet and greet so you better be ready in 7 minutes!" Michelle yelled from the other side of my door. Just when I thought my weekend would actually go well for once in my life. I got up and put on a black Mickey mouse shirt, dark gray shorts, and my black hightops.

It took me a while to brush out my curly hair that only got wavy afterwards and walked downstairs. "I told you to be ready in 7 minutes what happened?" Michelle yelled from the bottom of the stair case. "it takes a person more than 7 minutes to get ready" I spat back. She let out a loud groan in frustration and started thinking of something. She then began to smirk. I don't like that look on her. "since you took forever to get ready, you can wear one of my Austin Mahone shirts" she said happily.

Was she serious? My eyes widened and I shook my head 'no'. She ran upstairs and came back down with a black Austin Mahone shirt. "put it on" she ordered. I rolled my eyes and put the shirt on overtop of my Mickey mouse one. "good girl. now let's go" she said walking to the car and getting into the passenger. When I got into the driver's seat she gave me directions to where we were going and we arrived at yet again, another big building full of teenage girls. Once again, Michelle managed to work her magic and get in front of every one. I have no clue how, nor do I care.

We walked up to Austin who was sitting at a table signing posters, albums, ect. I would've asked him about my phone but there were cameras and a lot of girls there that would assume Austin and I were secretly dating or something. "hi Austin!" Michelle squeled. Austin flashed her a bright smile while I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms wanting to go home. "hey, weren't you my 'U Girl'" Austin got up and pointed to me. I didn't speak and instead rolled my eyes and looked the other direction. "are you a fan?" he asked referring to my shirt. "no and that reminds me I need to go to the bathroom so I'll meet you at the car" I said walking off to find a bathroom.

Once I started walking I soon regretted it because I got lost and couldn't find the bathroom. I took the Austin Mahone shirt off and held it in my hand. I was gonna throw it on the ground but then I would get grounded. I was walking for quiet a while trying to figure out where I was. This place is way too big. It started to get dark and I started to get scared because I couldn't hear anyone. Thank god I bought my pocket knife with me. As I walked I heard footsteps behind me so I started speed walking.

The steps got louder so I started running. I turned around to see if anyone was behind me then bumped into a hard masculine chest. I quickly reached into my back pocket and pulled out my pocket knife.

"woah its just me chill out!" the deep husky voice said.

;) muahh

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