Chapter 19

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Finally! Today's the day of the art competition and I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I'm nervous that I might not even win this time. I was accused of cheating last time so if I win this time people will still think I cheated. I decided to dress classy today so I wore a dress. From the waist down, it was blue and stopped at my mid-thigh in the front, and fell to my calves in the back, and from the waist up it was white. My hair was in loose curls and I wore black pumps. I wasn't really the makeup type of girl so I just put on lipgloss and a little bit of Audrey's eyeliner and mascara. My 'parents' never really let me wear makeup.

I walked downstairs were my family was waiting for me. "are you ready?" Audrey asked. I took a deep breath and shook my head. Jordan carried my painting canvas and put in the back of his car. I caught him a couple times trying to look beneath the white cloth that was covering it. I got into the passenger seat as all the boys got into the car and Jordan drove off with Audrey and Patrick behind us.

When we arrived at the competition, there were WAY more people there than last time. There were more butterflies in my stomach and I got so nervous. I walked on stage and sat my canvas down next to my competitors'. It wasn't exactly time to start yet so people just walked around and snacked on the food they had out on several tables and chatted. But what made me even more nervous was that Travis wasn't here yet. I texted him this morning and told him the location, and what time it would start and he just said 'Ok'.

I continuously looked around the huge crowds of people hoping I would see him but I didn't. "he'll be here don't worry" Audrey whispered to me noticing my nervousness. It was soon time for everyone to get on stage, so I took a deep breath and walked up, standing next to my painting. I was even more nervous now because people started walking in holding cameras and even more people showed up. Why was so many people here anyways? This isn't really that important for so many people to be here.

I looked around the crowds once more and still couldn't find Travis. My eyes started to water but I kept my tears inside because I didn't want to damage my makeup. I took several deep breaths and kept a nice smile on my face to hide my nervousness. "Ok, just as last time, when I say 3 you are all going to reveal your paintings to the judges" the British announcer said. The big room was quiet except for the cameras snapping pictures, people whispering, and heels clicking against the marble floor. I looked deep into the back of the room and got excited when I saw Travis push through a crowd of photographers. He had on a black suit and red tie, with a pair of black suede shoes. He looked even more handsome than usual.

My eyes met his deep ocean blue eyes and he gave me a smile. I returned the smile and became less nervous. Knowing that he was here made me feel much better. "1.....", the announced began to count slowly, "2..................3!". Everyone removed the cloth from their paintings and revealed them to the audience. My painting was a girl underwater, her face emotionless. I'm really not sure what its suppose mean exactly, but to me it doesn't need words for people to understand what it means. If not, then I don't know what to tell you. Once again, I didn't dare to look at any of my competitors or their paintings. It was all about me at this point.

The judges all exchanged whispers and wrote things on cards. They handed the cards to the announcer and he looked at them before stepping onto the stage. "and the winner is..........", I crossed my fingers behind my back and took deep breaths. Travis looked me in the eyes and gave me a nod of reassurance. "Allison James!!!" the British announcer yelled out. My heart dropped and tears began to blur my vision. That's then, when I realized that it was me that won. I turned around to the announcer who was heading in my direction.

He gave me a big hug and congratulated me. I grabbed the mic from his hand and said "by the way my name's Maya Thompson". I shoved the microphone into his chest to run down the stairs and hug my family. Travis walked over to me with a big smile on his face. "I knew you'd win baby" he said. I ran to him and jumped in his arms as he spun me around. He smells so good. He set me down and placed his soft lips mine, kissing me passionately. We pulled away and posed for pictures the photographers were taking. I dont know why they were taking pictures but we posed anyway.

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