Chapter 14

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As we pulled up in front of the big house, I already knew my family were rich people. Austin and I walked up to the front door and rang the door bell. I took a deep breath preparing my self to meet my real family. A short brunette-haired lady quickly ran over to the door and opened it. She put her hand on her chest almost breaking into tears. "ca-can I hug you?" she asked politely. I lightly shook my head and embraced her in a warm hug.

"come in, come in" she motioned us into the house. "boys get down here!" she yelled up the stairs. So I'm guessing there's no girls here. 3 good looking teenage boys and the guy I'm assuming is my dad all ran down the stairs excitedly. "hi" the grown man said putting out his hand. I kindly shook it with a smile. "oh don't be silly give her a hug" the brunette-haired lady said. "if that's okay with her" he said. I shook my head then embraced him in a hug. It felt so normal hugging him, its like he wasn't a stranger even although he kinda was.

"so if you don't already know by now, my name's Audrey and his name's Patrick and we're your real parents" she said with a smile. "and these are your brothers Jordan, Aiden, and Hayes" she said pointing to the 3 tall guys. I guess I get my 5 foot shortness from Audrey because the boys and Patrick are all very tall. "Jordan and Aiden were both born before you, Jordan's 21 and Aiden's 19. I was so happy to finally have a baby girl and when I lost you I was so upset. Then we had Hayes, another handsome baby boy, and he's 14" Audrey said beginning to cry.

Wow! if Jordan and Aiden weren't my biological brothers, maaan........Hayes is too young for me but he was definitely good looking for his age. Jordan looked like a very popular football jock with his musculan body and sharp jawline. Aiden looked like a typical bad boy that got in trouble a lot, and Hayes looked like he got good grades all the time but still makes time to have a girl on his arm. They all had dark brown hair, all in different styles and all of them were taller than me and Audrey. Even Hayes was taller than us.

I embraced all of them into a hug. "so who's this young boy?" Audrey asked referring to Austin who was standing behind me quiet the whole time. "this is Austin my uh" I said speaking for the first time. I really didn't know what to call Austin. "boyfriend" he said shaking Audrey and Patrick's hand. "we haven't really made it official yet but, we'll get to it" I said glancing at Austin. "okay, well we're about to have dinner, so boys help Austin bring in Alli's clothes-" Patrick began. "Maya" I interrupted.

"exuse me?". "please, call me Maya" I politely said trying not to hurt their feelings. "oh I'm so sorry, bring Maya's clothes into the house" he ordered them. As the boys bought my clothes in the house, I walked around trying to see if I could remember anything. But I couldn't. There were tons of pictures of me, Jordan, and Aiden hanging on the walls, as well as them and Hayes. I almost teared up at the sight of finally seeing a baby picture of me. "dinner time!" Audrey yelled out and the boys all ran like dogs to the table. I stared at Austin bring the last suitcase inside and he motioned me to the kitchen.

Audrey made vegetables, rice, chicken, and biscuits. I've never really sat at the table with my family before. That was definitely gonna change. We all ate dinner and had a couple laughs as Audrey told me about how I was when I was 3. I was even a lover of art when I was younger because I drew all over the walls with my crayons. She also asked Austin about how his perfrorming and stuff was going. "So Maya got accepted to the University of Arts, all she needs is her birth certificate and ID" Austin told Audrey and Patrick. "well that's great we have your birth certificate right upstairs along with your ID you took last year that the hospital gave us" Audrey said.

"cool, we'll turn it in tomorrow?" Austin asked staring at me. I just shook my head admiring Audrey's fabulous cooking. After dinner I walked Austin to the front door. "I'll see you tomorrow baby" he kissed me then gave me a hug. He pulled back and stared at me for a while hesitating to speak. I looked at him curiously and he just pecked my lips and waved good bye before pulling off. I closed the door and turned around to see my 3 brothers staring at me. "what?" I asked. "come on let's show you your room" Jordan said walking up the stairs with Aiden and Hayes.

The door had 'Allison' in big pink letters across it. When I walked into the room I nearly threw up. The walls were pink and hello kitty themed, and there were Barbie's laying everywhere. Even my cradle was still here. Everything in here was pink and girly and I started to get nauseous. "they're working on it, they didn't know when you were gonna come back" Hayes whispered in my ear. "in the mean time, you can sleep in my room with me" Aiden suggested. "what if I wanted her to sleep in my room" Hayes argued. "dude no, I called it first" they argued back and forth. "boys boys she's not sleeping with neither of you so calm down" Patrick said walking up the stairs.

"she can sleep in my room, I don't mind sleeping on the couch until her room's fixed up" Jordan said. Patrick shook his head in agreement as I thanked Jordan, then he went into his bedroom with Audrey. "well since you'll be sleeping in there I might as well show you it" Jordan said motioning me to the room across from mine. He opened his door and I looked around. I was right. He is a football player. He has lots of trophies and pictures of his team. His sheets were even football related. "I'll actually be moving out and getting settled in my own place sooner or later" he mentioned. "now let's show her my room" Hayes said pulling me into the room next to Jordan's. His walls were blue and his whole room was spider man themed. I didn't think a 14 year old would be that interested in spiderman.

"now my room" Aiden said grabbing my arm lightly and leading me to the room across from Hayes. When he opened the door I almost broke into tears. His room was just like mine. Graffitti themed. His art was amazing! Even better than mine! And no one's better than me! I walked around his room in awe. "you like?" he asked with a smirk. "like? I love! this is amazing! You know my room's just like yours at my house" I said admiring his fine art. "Audrey let you do this?" I asked. "I got in trouble for it the first time but she let it slide since I already started" he explained.

"and I thought my drawings were good" I said still in awe at his amazing art. His whole room was completed. Unlike mine I had to steal money from my parents to buy spray paint. I threw my hands in the air and closed my eyes. "this is like, my dream room. filled with drawings that only I would understand and people would just admire" I said calmly. I totally worship Aiden now. After 20 more minutes of admiring Aiden's room, I finally got washed and ready for bed. "night Alls" Aiden said with a tooth brush hanging from his mouth. I just stared at him hoping he would accept the fact that I didnt wanna be called Allison, or Alls, or whatever other Allison related nicknames they had for me. "i-im sorry" he apologized. "no its fine" I said. "goodnight Maya" he smiled before walking back into the bathroom.

I climbed into Jordan's comfortable king sized bed and fell asleep almost instantly. Maybe being here won't be as bad as I thought.

;) muahh

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