Chapter 5

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I was awoken by Michelle banging on my bedroom door. "Maya get up! you act like you don't have a damn alarm!" she yelled. I got up to shower and put on my clothes. I wore my hair out in its natural curls with a stretchable headband. I put on a black tank top covered by a black and white plaid shirt with black jeans and my black ankle boots. I just wanted to match with the black. I walked down the hall to get money from my parents' room and when I opened the door my dad was on top of my mom and both of them were naked.

I quickly closed the door and yelled, "seriously? early in the morning?!". I walked down the stairs and grabbed a few dollars from the cookie jar in the cabinet and drove to school with Michelle. When I arrived at school, I walked into first period and sat next to Andrew. I expected him to ask me what I was gonna draw today or peek into my drawing book, or even speak to me first. But he didn't, he just sat there. I never really talk to him first because...well......I don't know, I just don't okay? I took a few deep breaths before speaking. "you okay?" I asked him slowly. "I'm fine" he said not making eye contact with me.

That was all I planned on saying. I didn't want him to think I 'cared about other people's feelings' because I don't. But its not my fault I'm like that. Andrew didn't glance at any of the drawings I did on my desks and in my book. Something was really wrong with him today. After a few more periods, lunch by myself, and a couple more periods it was finally the end of the day. I would finally be getting my phone back. Since Michelle had cheerleading practice after school every Monday and Friday from 3 to 5 and my parents both worked late, I had to wait for Michelle's practice to be over and drive her back home. So I used that time to meet with Austin at Starbucks. I drove and parked in front of the store and waited at a table for him. Every time the door open I looked over and my heart began to beat. For what reason? I had no clue.

I waited for about 10 minutes before a guy with a big black hoodie and sunglasses walked through the door making the chimes whistle. When our eyes met he walked over to my table. "uh..Maya?" he asked. I shook my head up and down and he sat down across from me. "so want a drink?". "cut the small talk where's my phone?" I asked getting straight to the point. "I have your phone don't worry, but at least let me buy you a drink" he said pulling my phone from his back pocket. "no drink, no phone" he bribed with a smirk, shaking my phone back and forth. I huffed my breath before saying 'fine'. He got up and ordered our drinks, and then came back.

"so......I uh saw your drawings if you don't mind" he began. "you went through my stuff?" I yelled and everyone's eyes were on us. "I'm sorry I couldn't help it, I saw the picture you had as your lock screen and I thought it was pretty cool. And you should really put a password on it" he said taking off his glasses. "thanks" I said sarcastically. "Maya and Carter!" the lady behind the cash register yelled out and Austin went to get our drinks. "Carter?" I asked as he walked back. "yeah its my middle name, I didn't want them to recognize me by my first name" he said taking a sip from his ice coffee. "you don't get around much do you?" he asked.

I shook my head 'no' before sipping my coffee. Austin and I ended up talking for a while and he managed to get me to talk to him more, and when I started talking I couldn't stop. He asked me a lot about my art work and I even suggested that he come to my house to see my room and he agreed. Why did I do that? Why did he agree? The next thing I knew we were both in my car and driving to my house. "so uh...this is my house" I said as we pulled up at the front door. "cool" he responded, none of us moving from our seats. Awkward silence soon filled the car. "so uh should we go in?" Austin said breaking the silence.

"yeah" I shook my head and we both got out of the car and headed for the front door. I unlocked it and Austin looked around. I didn't want him to notice that there were pictures of everyone in my family except me. I could tell he was curious about it but he didn't say anything and I continued to lead him to my room. I opened my door and he looked around in awe taking off his hood. "This is amazing!" he said. He then stopped when he noticed the big brown bear on the wall. My smile soon turned into a blank expression as I crossed my arms. I didn't know how to feel at this point. Sad? Mad? Guilty? ding ding ding That's the one. "this uh kinda reminds me of my bear I lost a couple nights ago" he spoke.

I let out a small chuckle. "what?" he asked. "Austin, you're an 18 year old boy.....or man-boy, why are you so uptight about this bear?" I asked. I knew I was kinda uptight about it too but I had a good reason. My life is a living hell. "my mema gave it to me when I was 5" he started, "and she died a couple years ago, it was the only thing I have left of her really" he said, which made me almost cry, and I felt even more guilty than usual. "What made you name it Angel?" I asked getting myself together. "I named it after my dog, who also died a couple years ago" he added. The room was then very quiet and the guilt finally got to me all the way. What he had was what I've always wished for, and if someone took it away from me I would've been devastated.

"Austin I have to tell you something" I said getting his full attention. "better yet, give you something". I walked over to my closet and slowly pulled out Angel walking over to him and placing it in his soft hands. A smirk crept up on his face and our eyes met. "what?" I asked confused. "I knew you had it, I just wanted to see how long you'd make me wait" he said. I playfully hit him in the shoulder, "douche". "so...why'd you take it?" he asked. I huffed my breath then sat down on my bed, Austin following and sitting beside me.

"since I was a little girl I've always wanted something that I could hold onto for the rest of my life. something to call mine and tell everyone I've had since I was young. I've never really gotten a present or had a birthday party. My life is pretty......weird. That bear made me feel like it was sent to me to make me feel better as crazy as it sounds. I feel so alone in this world, it doesn't make any sense. Nobody really cares about me, or let's me know that I'm not going through life alone, that's why I paint, every painting expresses my feelings or what ever came to the top of my head that day". I started to cry a little bit.

Austin placed a hand on top of mine gently squeezing it and both our eyes met each other. "you're not have me now" he whispered. He glanced down to my lips and back to my eyes, and I did the same. He cupped my cheek with his hand gently caressing it with his thumb and leaned in slowly.

Am I really about to kiss Austin Mahone?.....

;) muahh

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