Chapter 26

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Here you go lovelies!! :)

I woke up with my teeth chattering and every part of my body shaking. Its freezing cold in here and no one gives a fuck. My legs are still moist from that stupid food and I can't get it off because I'm still tied to this damn chair. I'm not sure if its morning or not because there's no windows in here, and everyone left me without a care in the world to even lend me a cover or anything. My neck has a major cramp in it from hanging it to the side, attempting to use my shoulder as a pillow.

I heard a door open so I lifted my head to see who was coming in. "morning sweetheart" Travis said walking into the room and cutting the light on. "woah its freezing in here" he rubbed the arms of his leather jacket up and down. 'no kidding' a voice said in my head. He walked over to me and wrapped his jacket around me as best as he could. It smelled of Axe and vanilla, but the left over body heat wasn't enough. "I bought you some breakfast" he smiled crouching down in front of me.

"Todd will you come the fuck on!" he yelled. A guy with black rugged hair and a black leather jacket came walking in with a bag. "chill out dude" he said before turning his attention to me, "hi, I'm Todd" he put his hand out, then quickly drew it back when he realized I couldn't return the gesture. I refused to talk because my throat is very dry and I think my lips will split if I even open my mouth the slightest.

Travis snatched the bag from his hand and pulled out a wrapped sandwhich and a large Gatorade bottle. I licked my lips and straightened up from my slouching position. He started to unwrap the paper and I frowned at him. "I'm not letting you go, so either you let me feed you, or don't eat at all". I opened my mouth and took a bite of the bologna sandwhich, fighting my urge to moan because of how delicious it is. "thatta girl" Travis cooed.

After finishing my sand which, and half my bottle of Gatorade, I felt relaxed. But I was still freezing. Travis' phone beeped and he took it out of his pocket to read a message. "what is it?" Todd asked him. "I uh I've got some business to take care of, watch her, and don't you dare even think about untying her. She has a way of manipulating people" he had a huge smirk on his face as he left. When he says: I've got some business to take care of, what he really means is: I'm gonna go get laid. "nice bracelet" Todd said pointing to the golden bracelet full of lockets that Audrey gave me. "thanks", I said, my voice barely audible.

"so...." he dragged the word refusing to make eye contact with me, "how do you know him?" he asked. "he's my ex" I said, my voice barely over a whisper. "oh....and he's got you here because........"

"if I knew, then I would be able to tell you". He just sat there quietly, often rubbing up and down his arms. "so, why are you here?" I asked him after a few minutes of silence. "I thought we were going to the movies, but he said he had to 'take care of something first'. I didn't think he'd kidnapped someone".

"so why won't you help me get out" I said to him with sudden excitement. "woah woah woah, this is none of my business and has nothing to do with me" he said. I looked away angrily. Why does shit always happen to me huh? Am I cursed or something? Do I have bad fucking luck? "well I'm gonna go" he started to walk off but I stopped him. "you can't leave me here" I tried to yell.

"why not?"

"why would you?" I asked shocked.

"because I don't fucking know you, and how don't I know if the cops are on there way here or not?"

"they're not"

"I don't know that!" he screamed noticing how much trouble he could be in if the cops had shown up. "do you know how much trouble I'd get into? they'll probably think I'm the one who kidnapped you" he starting pacing and running has hands through his now tousled hair. "chill out will you" I told him because he started getting on my nerves from pacing so much.

Austin's Angel (Austin Mahone Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang