Chapter 10

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Bruno's P.O.V.

"Sir you can't come in here" the nurse said.

"But please he's my boyfriend I need to be with him." I replied, trying to get her out of my view.

"Sir he is going into surgery right now, you will have to wait till he's out, you may stay in the waiting room for the time being." She said to me and walked back to the front desk.

I walked to the waiting room and found Dylan and Thomas sitting there with worried faces.

"They have him in surgery, I don't know how long it'll take but after we can see him," I said. They both nod.

I feel like it's been hours since they started surgery, I don't know why this even happened. We were just walking out of the restaurant and this car came out of nowhere and hit him. I saw him lying there, not moving, and blood on his face and body. Dylan got to him first, I wasn't able to move at the sight of seeing Shmuel. By the time I came to my senses we were already on our way to the hospital. I started bawling my eyes out in the car and now I'm here. In this waiting room, hoping that the doctors will be done soon and that he will be alright. I let some tears fall from my tired eyes. Maybe if I sleep everything will be fine once I wake up, I let my eyes close and let my dreams wonder.

~ One hour later ~

"Bruno" a voice spoke, "Bruno wake up." Said the same voice. My body now shakes from the human who is trying to wake me.

"What," I mumble with my eyes still closed. "Shmuel is out of surgery and he's asking to see you," said the voice which kind of sounded like Thomas.

Shmuel is out of surgery? What is he even saying? Shmuel is out of surg- then it all come back to me, it wasn't a dream like I was hoping it would be. After realizing what Thomas said, I opened my eyes and got out of the chair.

"Which room is he in?," I asked.

"Room 216," he replied.

I basically ran half way to his room, though I was stopped by a nurse telling me to stop running. There was a wall way that was a baby blue color and on the side of the wall there were room numbers.

I walked all the way down the baby blue colored wall to find his door shut. On the right side of the door there was a chalkboard that read Vincent, Shmuel. I smiled at the thought of him. I finally reached the handle and walked in, shutting it behind me.

I walked closer to him, he had some cuts on his face. I examined his body, his right leg was in a cast, it looked like his left arm was fractured, and he had small cuts and bruises all over him. I felt terrible that this happened to him.

I grabbed his hand and kissed his forehead. "You're lips feel warm." I slightly jumped at the sound of his voice.

"You're awake?"

He opened up his beautiful hazel eyes and said "Yeah I'm awake." With a smirk. 

"Did I wake you?" I asked.

"Nope been up since I got out of surgery," he replied. I just nod.

"How are you feeling?"

"My body hurts but I'll be fine," he said, "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"To be honest, like shit," I answered back with a little giggle. He gripped onto my hand tight and pulled me closer to the bed.

"Why?" He asked. I looked into his eyes then looked down.

"I-I wish this didn't happen to you, you don't deserve this pain," I said. He grabbed my chin so I'd looked at him instead of the floor.

"Bruno, I'll be alright trust me, I have felt worse pain than this believe it or not but I know I'll be okay, there is nothing you have to feel sorry for," he said, he pulled my face closer to his and connected our lips together. Oh how I love his lips. I completely ignored all of my surroundings and focused on this moment, on how he is so brave and bright. We would stop a couple of times to breath but we'd continue, he started to grabbed the end of my shirt to pull it up when the nurse decided to walk in.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry boys, but visiting hours are almost over," she said with a small smile. I looked back down at Shmuel and smiled, he was smiling too.

"I'll come and visit tomorrow okay?" I said. He just whispered an okay and wrapped his arms around me. I did the same just being a little careful because of the bruises. We pulled away and looked at each other.

"I love you" he said. 

"I love you too" I replied, I gave him a kiss goodbye and walked out of his room. Then started thinking.

Though I swear to God, I will find whoever hit him with the car and break every bone in their body till they can't move no more.

Welp I, I never know what to say anymore.....

Stay Gold 💛

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