Chapter 12

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I honestly doubt people will read this I feel horrible to the ones who liked this story. I got a new phone long ago and couldn't get my password for the life of me but I got it. I finally am out of school for the rest of my life so yay to that.

Bruno's P.O.V.

The nurse woke me up and told me visiting hours were over I just nodded, kissed Shmuel's sleepy head and left. As I walked out into the halls the doctor stopped me.

"Hello sir, you're here with Shmuel yes?"

"Um yes"

"Okay well tomorrow we are going to run a few more tests just to make sure he's alright and if everything's looking good he will be able to go home. He will need someone to watch over him though."

"Yes, I'll be the one watching over him." I replied

"Alright just make sure he takes his medication and doesn't move every much, and he should be bedridden for a few weeks so he can heal faster."  He replied and handed me some papers.

"Okay thank you doctor."

"Yes no problem." He gave me a nodded and half a smile than walked away. I looked down at the papers and skimmed some of it. And I so happen to look up and see Shmuel's mom.

"Oh my god Bruno." She ran to me and hugged me. "How is he?" The look of worry was across her face.

"He's got a broken leg and a fractured arm and a few cuts and bruises but the doctor said he'll be alright, he might be able to go home by tomorrow afternoon."

"At least it's nothing to serious, have they found anything about the person who did this?"

"No, Shmuel said it was a dark green car though, but whoever did this had to have planned it."

"Why do you say that?"

"The speed limit in town was 30 and the driver had to be going around 60, they had sometime to see Shmuel walking because he was at the end of the street, they didn't even bother stopping the car either, they just speeded up after hitting him." I told her

"Who would want to hurt Shmuel?"

"I'm not to sure at this moment, but Shmuel's in there sleeping the nurse told me visiting hours are over but I assumed she'd let you stay because your his mom."

"Yes she told because I was family I could stay, I'm sorry they won't let you stay with him."

"It's alright I just come everyday to see him."

She smiled about that and said, "When he gets out will you be the one taking care of him?"

"Yes I'm taking him home, you can come stay to as long as you'd like."

"Thank you, I'm so happy he has you in his life. When he calls me he always tells me what you guys did that day and I can just hear the happiness in his voice thank you."

I smiled and said, "no need to, I'm in love with him and couldn't imagine my life without him." She smiled at me again, " okay well I'm gonna go see if he's awake and speak to him"

"Okay call me if he remembers anything about the people or if the doctors say anything"

"Okay will do". She smiled at me one last time and entered his room. I walked down to the last floor and left the hospital.

I had just got home, took a shower, put on pajamas, and grabbed a book from the shelf. Than I heard knocking on the door. I got up and it was Officer Anderson.

"Hello Mr.Ross sorry to bother you at this hour but we got a little bit of news."

"No it's fine what's the news."

"A bystander saw a male driver and a female passenger. And we also found a list with two names on it." On the paper in bold letters wrote, Shmuel Vincent and Bruno Ross.

"So whoever wrote this will probably be after you next, and we want you to stay inside as much as possible and we will send an office here tomorrow morning to watch your house, call me if you hear anything." Officer Anderson gave me a paper with his number on it.

I thanked him and closed the door.

This is crazy why does someone want to hurt us, what if someone found out we are together and they are trying to kill us. Oh god this is crazy. I went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water when I heard a knock on the door again, I placed the glass down and opened the door. No one was there but I looked down and saw a letter. I looked again to see if there was anyone and no one was in sight. The letter read:

We got your Shmuel but next we will get you Bruno. You can't run and you can't hide we will find you and kill you and your precious fag lover.

~ R <3

Than it hit me, I can't believe I could be so stupid to not think of this until know, the only people who has had is out for us for years Keith and Rachel.

Sequel: The Boy in the Leather Jacket (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now