chapter 22;

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- chapter 22; holding;

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- chapter 22;

„I'VE MISSED YOU, PUP." The voice of Donovan was rough, causing the boy to shiver. "Donovan", he whispered, his heart beating faster, like always when he saw his loved vamp. Slowly, he walked towards the bed, leaning down to give his boyfriend a long and deep kiss.

Immediately, Donovan wrapped his arms around Bleiz, pulling him closer. With all his passion, need, the craving for him, he kissed this sweet, little angel only heaven could've sent him. "My pup", he purred against his lips, licking slightly above him. Everything of Bleiz filled him with joy.

"I am sorry, I am late", Bleiz mumbled against his lips, pulling a bit away. Almost shy, he reached his hand out, with the bouquet in it. "I thought you might like them ... I've never given anyone any kind of presents", he whispered with a soft blush.
"Wow", Donovan mumbled, looking amazed at the flowers. He would've even been amazed if Bleiz had only brought a stick for him. "And nobody has ever given me any kind of presents ... and I know, this is the most beautiful one ... Besides your affection towards me, of course", he whispered, standing up to press a light kiss on his head, while he wrapped his arms around the wolf-boy.

Bleiz chuckled loving, snuggling even closer against him "I'm glad you like them", he whispered. "I'm still sorry, I was so long away... Anyway, what did you do the whole time?" Curiously, Bleiz tilted his head, caressed gently his shoulders. A slight smirk was spread on Donovan's face, as he slowly stood up, to get a glass with some water, where he put the bouquet in.
"I had to think about you a lot. About my little, sweet puppy. Naked next to me, sleeping so innocently after a wild round of sex", he hummed, winking at his boyfriend. A slight chuckle escaped Bleiz, looking up to him. "Sounds good", he hummed with a grin, which grew only wider, as Donovan crawled back in the bed again, his smooth body hovering above him. His thumb was trailing alongside the jawline of the smaller one, causing Bleiz to shiver.

"You're so gorgeous, puppy", Donovan breathed, stroking with his thumb above his lips. Carefully, Bleiz licked above his finger, looking up with dark eyes. "Your tongue is so soft." The vampire watched aroused his wolf-boy, getting every second more amazed with him.

The corner of Bleiz' mouth was turning to a huge grin, still licking above his thumb. "And you're wearing too many clothes, Donny", he hummed, tilting his neck a bit. The hickeys on his neck still dark and visible. The proofs, he only belonged to his vampire.

"Damn, you're right", he growled, kissing the marks along, while he felt the little hands of Bleiz opening his shirt. Soft strokes above his muscles. He even felt light scratches on his pale skin, causing him to shiver a bit. "So eager." With a slight chuckle, he watched Bleiz nibbling on his collar bones and shoulder. Soon, the spots were covered with hickeys.

The younger man stroked through Donovan's hair, pulling him down on his body. Barely, the wolf-boy could feel anything of his weight, rather enjoying it. "Much better", he mumbled, placing a kiss on his temple. He admired the vampire in every way, not able to get enough of him. "I love you, Donny", Bleiz whispered in his ear, pecking carefully on his earlobe.

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