chapter 17;

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- chapter 17;bleeding;

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- chapter 17;

LIZ HAS THOUGHT ABOUT THE WORDS OF BLEIZ THE WHOLE DAY. She asked herself, what he has already seen or experienced, or what he has really meant by that. Nobody in this Hotel looked innocent. Not even the children there were innocent. Speaking about kids ... She rolled with her eyes, as she heard the annoyed voice of Lachlan Drake. As much as she has heard, his father – Will Drake, also the fashion designer who has organized the fashion show – wanted to buy this hotel. Hm, this could get interesting.

Her eyes wandered through the room. Immediately, a smile appeared on her rather bored face, as she saw the young man walking towards her. His light, fluffy hair was tumbled, wore a grey shirt of Donovan and sports shorts. A long, thick scar was on his thigh, blue hickeys above his neck. Marks, which showed everyone, he belonged to Donovan. Like always, when Bleiz walked, he didn't make any sounds.

"Thanks again for the breakfast, Liz", he said, smiling. During that, he ignored completely the disgusted face of a well-built lady – probably the assistant of Will Drake – and the sparkling, blue eyes of the fashion designer, who followed the young man.
"Dad, isn't that the man of the show? Who has broken the security guard's nose?", Lachlan whispered to his father. But before Will could answer anything, Bleiz turned around, looking straight into his blue eyes. "Yes, I am. Why? Is there a problem?", he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, of course not, Mister. It was quite impressive. So much damage with only one arm", Will answered calming, the corners of his mouth twitching. This young man in front of him was impulsive, and beautiful. Even if he was wearing now baggy, comfortable clothes, Will still had the picture of him in his mind, dressed in his designed, tight clothes. Normally, they've been supposed to be worn by Tristan, but when he thought about it ... This young man had the better shape for them, even if he was smaller, his legs were longer, his muscles defined. His complete body type was more athletic than the one of Tristan. And Will has seen how much power the young man had.

Bleiz just smirked as an answer, turning again around, to sit at the counter. "I think, he likes you", Liz whispered, only for the wolf-boy to hear and wiggled with her eyebrows. Still, Will Drake looked at the younger one, not wanting to miss a single detail of his perfect shaped body. Of course, Bleiz noticed it, causing him to huff softly. "I don't really care about that. I mean yes, he's hot. But I belong to Donovan, just like Donovan belongs to me." A light sigh escaped him, his dark eyes focused the glass with orange juice, Liz handed him.

He took a sip. "Thanks", he muffled, leaning a bit backwards with his shoulders and neck, to stretch and flex his muscles a bit. "Yeah, I think everybody can see, you belong to him." Liz reached her hand out, touching carefully his purple and blue neck. She frowned a little, as she felt the light indentations of the teeth. "He is really crazy about you. Crazier than with the Countess. But I think, it's healthier, the way he is with you", she whispered with a smile.

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