chapter 12;

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chapter 12; - your love can do what no one else can;

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chapter 12;
- your love can do what no one else can;

„ELIZABETH!" The voice of Donovan was rough, almost a bit harsh. Immediately, Bleiz looked up, turning around with a soft smile on his lips. But this quickly faded away, as he recognized the tensed body and clenched fists of the immortal. His blue eyes wandered to Bleiz, a soft sigh of relief escaped him.
With quick steps, he reached Bleiz, wrapping an arm around his hips and pressed him tight against his own body. Softly, Donovan caressed the slim hip of his sweet boy, looking with cold eyes to Elizabeth.

"What's the matter, darling?", she asked in her angelic – oh so manipulative, angelic – voice. "Don't ever talk to him again", he hissed, pressing Bleiz tight against his side. The rage hit him like a wave, floating above his body, so Donovan tensed. Ignoring the look of Bleiz, he still focused on Elizabeth. "Stay away from him", he said quietly and calm, like a volcano, before he broke out.

"But why? We were about to have a nice conversation, right sweetheart?", she hummed as a reply, nodding towards the wolf boy. "I-I-I guess so." The urge to leave, was building in his chest, causing his heart to pound a bit more. He felt his senses sharpen, seeing every little detail in his surroundings. No. He needed to stay calm. But the way Donovan tensed, keeping him away from that woman made him feel ... worried, scared. Who was she and what has she did, causing his mate to act like that. Unconscious, he tilted his head, looking questioning up to the vampire. Maybe he would explain later everything. If he was lucky.

"Just don't talk to him again, Elizabeth. Or else, you will regret it", Donovan hissed. Gently, but still with urge, he pulled Bleiz by the waist with him, holding him close. "You need to stay away from her, okay?", he asked seriously, looking straight in his eyes.
"Why? What's wrong?" Bleiz' voice was only a tiny whisper, afraid to ask louder. "Just ... trust me. You aren't safe alone. Especially when she's here", the vampire simply answered. Still, he didn't loosen his grip, causing the wolf boy to gasp for air. "It would be nice, if you let me breath", he muttered, but relaxed when he finally gave him enough space to breath.

"How grateful of you." A bit annoyed, Bleiz rolled with his eyes, but was still close to Donovan. "I still don't know, why you're behaving like that", he added, looking up to the vampire. "I told you. Trust me. Maybe I will explain you everything sooner or later", he simply answered, pressing a small kiss on his head.

His lips felt cold, but soft against his skin, making him smile. A soft hum escaped Bleiz' throat, while he cuddled in his chest. Besides, or better said, surrounded by him, he felt far more safety and protected than before.

"Everything will be fine, alright?", Donovan asked him softly, caressing gently his cheek. So soft and warm. He could get used to this wonderful, light feeling, which seemed to make his heart beat even faster.
Still confused a bit, Bleiz nodded, but didn't want to ask any more. It simply would be pointless, even if he will ask hundred times the same question. Expect that Donovan would get annoyed, something which he wanted of course not to happen. Instead, he simply cuddled more against his loved vampire. Light purrs escaped him, as the immortal started to stroke his hair.

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