chapter 16;

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- chapter 16; trust;

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- chapter 16;

DONOVAN WAS WATCHING THE WHOLE TIME OVER HIM. Even if he could hear his steady heartbeat, just like his soft breaths, he was afraid to close his eyes. What if he will wake up and his angel would have stopped to breath? Stopped to live? His heart cramped only by the thought. He wouldn't be able to survive it. Protective, he kissed his forehead, holding his hand, gently squeezing it.

Somehow, Donovan wondered himself, if Bleiz has heard him. He could slap himself for this. Even if it was true. The feelings for Bleiz were deep, deeper than everything else, he has felt before. Far more than the feelings he used to have for the Countess even. But oh, how his heart has been broken the moment, she has pushed him away. The moment, he realized, he was nothing more than one of her pretty, little toys she had.

A soft sob escaped him, causing him to blink a little. What if Bleiz also simply played with him? His blue eyes wandered above the sleeping face of the smaller man. No, he wasn't. Bleiz was so innocent, so pure. Nobody, Donovan has met, was so pure and innocent like him. And he wanted to protect him, with all what it would cost.

Slowly, Bleiz started to move, causing the immortal to smile. Especially, when his eyes started to flicker and blinked several times. His brown eyes went open, a light smile on his face, as he looked up to Donovan.
"I love you too", the wolf-boy answered, laying his free hand on his cold cheek, caressing gently his pale, cold skin. "You can't imagine, how much I love you", he added with a slight smile, lifting his upper body a bit up. Carefully, he pulled Donovan a bit closer, looking deeply in his blue eyes.

It felt for the vampire, like his breath was taken away, just like his words. Bleiz' words hit a spot in his body, from which he thought, it has died a long time ago. His loving, sweet touch made him close his eyes, leaning into his warm hand, pressing a light kiss on his palm. It felt too good to be true. "I'm scared, that I will wake up and everything is just a dream", he breathed, feeling like a lovesick teenager, even if he has never been one.

"If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up either", Bleiz admitted with a smile, letting his hand sink. Gently, he grabbed the collar on his shirt, pulling him down to his lips. There was no rush, while they were kissing. Only the hunger of the touch made each other to deepen the kiss. Wild and loud, Bleiz' heart beat against his chest, his tongue licking gently above the lower lip of Donovan. Still, he held his hand, squeezing it lightly, while his other hand rested in his neck.

A soft moan escaped Donovan, his mouth formed to a smile. His tongue stroked softly above Bleiz' lip as well, enjoying the sweetness of his lips. A bit, he tugged with his teeth on his soft flesh, sucking lightly on it. He had no idea, if Bleiz liked this, so he didn't want to go fast on him. Just gentle, loving playing. His free hand was laying on his hip, massaging with his thumb the sensitive skin of him. French-kissing wasn't new for Donovan. But somehow it felt new with Bleiz. More real and loving.

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