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It has officially been a month since I got kidnapped

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It has officially been a month since I got kidnapped. In the last week, the lab workers and their families stayed at the safe house, but Jeremy, Bella, Laurence, and I had left.

Laurence was making me train three times a day since their plan to attack had just been pushed forward.

My leg was pretty much healed, just the scar from the bullet wound was still visible.

I've been operating on what the non-benders call an "auto-pilot", I wake up, train, have breakfast, train again, have lunch, train again, have dinner, train for the last time, and then head back to Bella's house to shower and sleep, and that's the cycle.

Bella wanted to take me out one time to a place called McDonald's I believe, but Laurence and Jeremy said it was too dangerous.

I could tell Bella was getting sick of this, too.

Beledge has been quiescent, especially after they never got their ten men back. I assume they know that Govri is stronger than they thought.

I'm not sure if they know anything about me, yet. If they did, I would be their number one target, which just adds more baggage for me.

I never thought I'd say this, but I desperately need Flavian's positive attitude right now, I need him to tell me that things will be okay, and that I'll make it back home safely.

I just feel miserable.

"Stavros, are you awake?" I heard Bella's voice say quietly from outside my door.

"Yeah, come in," I said, sitting up on my bed. I have been staring at the ceiling for an hour now, unable to fall asleep.

Bella walked in and softly shut the door behind her.

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