Diobolical and untrustworthy (you can guess who)

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Ok, this story is obviously SeaChaos... umm.. this is based on TTT gameplay and yeah, enjoy!(they are in the game)

Also you should listen to Minx's new music video 'murder' ChilledChaos actually raps in it! he's actually pretty good...

P.s. I'm sorry.... (not really) :3


Adam's POV

"Sergeant SeaNanners reporting for duty, sir!" I stood saluting my captain, Gassy. He looked up from his work and looked at me, a grim expression on his face "Ok sergeant, I'm going to keep it straight. we have a traitor on the base. Our ammunition supply shows that small quantities of sniper rifle and pistol bullets have been stolen, a little at a time, along with several C4's." I gasped in shock. "your mission, Nanners, is to track down this bastard, and put his ass behind bars, before he does something dangerous!" he growled, slamming his fist on the desk, making it vibrate. I flinched I had never seen him so mad before, this must be a really big deal. "Also, before you go, do not and I repeat, do not, tell anybody! If word should leak, then the traitor won't be blindsided and might take action!" I nodded, painting a serious face, even though, I hate to admit it, I was scared. "sir, yes sir! may I ask, sir, where should I start? I don't know who, among the few of us, would actually do such a thing." we had a small military base, very few troops, and we were left alone for the most part by the government. "I don't know exactly, but just keep your eyes peeled. if you see one suspicious movement, by any of our soldiers, no matter how well you know them, don't hesitate to spy. understood?" I nodded. "good, you are dismissed." I quickly walked out of the room, tossing around thoughts and ideas on how to find the traitor on my head as I went. I listed all the names of the privates, sergeants, and corporals: Ohm, Entoan, Dlive, Diction, Minx, Krism, Markiplier, Yamimash, and Chilled... oh Chilled... I have never admitted this to anyone, but I'm bi. I had been almost my entire life, and I have a huge crush on Anthony. I've never felt the same way about anyone else. He's... different. With his Dark brown eyes that I could get lost in, and his perfect olive skin, his sweet scent, and perfect smile... I couldn't help but fall in love with him... not to mention his bubbly attitude, and witty personality. I shook my head, my thoughts getting off-topic. I had wandered off, and now was right next to the mess hall. I Shrugged and pushed through the heavy metal doors. 'Lets see what the privates are up to' I thought to myself, casually strolling across the room, getting some food and sitting at the sergeant's table. Nothing suspicious here, the privates, Ohm, Dlive, and a few others I didn't know by name, were chatting casually, smiles on their faces as A brunette girl told a joke. 'Where should I start?' I took a bite of sandwich, and I jumped at the sound of the clanging cafeteria doors, as a careless person entered. I looked up and saw Chilled walking alongside Minx. They were laughing and talking together quietly. My heart leapt and I felt a pang of jealousy rise in my throat. I never liked Minx, she was obviously head over heels for Anthony, yet he was blind to it. She had brown hair, with a purple streak down the front, with shifty eyes that always had a glimmer of mischief in them. I watched them as they went to get some lunch. 'well, there's a good place to start' my brain told me, Minx always had been... off, I guess you could say. I never trusted her, so she was the perfect first target...

I had been following Minx for the last hour, watching every move she made. So far, everything was normal, suprisingly. She had put her clothes into the laundry drop, checked in with Captain Gassy, and filed some paperwork. Nothing was off, no suspicious actions... nothing... part of me wanted it to be her, so the only person that stood a chance with Anthony was out of the way, so maybe I could claim him as my own. 'Wishful thinking Nanners, he's obviously straight! you have no chance with the adorable Italian!' my mind yelled at me, making me scowl. If given the chance, I would fight for him, as hard as I could...

(Time skip! 4 days)


Nothing serious had happened the last four days, I had spied on almost every soldier at base, even the smallest movements would come to my attention and intrigue me.... now I was just tired, hungry, and extremely frustrated. I was sick of betraying my friends by watching them behind their back, and keeping secrets from them. They could be in serious danger for all I know! I sighed rubbing my temple. I was sitting at my small metal desk with my pages of notes sitting before me. I had recorded every action, every word spoken that I had witnessed... and all of it showed no sign of the traitor! Who could be so smart as to allude me? The Sargent who's catch phrase was "Never Trust Nanners?". "Who is it!?" I yelled aloud. I was snapped away from my infuriated thoughts by an ear-splitting siren starting to blare. A staticky, panicked voice came over the intercom. "You need to evacuate the building immediately! Activated C4 has been found in the building! I repeat, evacuate the building immediatly!" I stood in shock as I listened to the voice, but was soon snapped back to reality at the thought of the situation. I scrambled to get out of my chair and out the door, frantically to find the Chilled, I wanted to make sure he was safe. In all the chaos I couldn't identify him among the scared mass of bodies, hurrying to find an exit. The voice came on over the speakers again, this time sounding panicked. "Someone has breached our security and locked down all the exits! someone has breached the security and locked down all the exits! There is no way to escape!" I gasped and froze, analyzing the building. There was one way to escape, I concluded. The upstairs storage closet had the only unlock-able window in the while base. I rushed pass the squirming soldiers and ran up the stairs. I know it's selfish, but at the time I only cared about my life and Anthony's, no one else mattered at this point. I sprinted down the hall but stopped right outside the doors. I heard whispering coming from the room that was supposed to be empty. "The plan has gone great... are you sure there's no other exits? we can't risk anyone escaping to tell the tale. we need to make people believe that it was equipment malfunction and there was no survivors..." The man said, I gasped, he must be the traitor. But who? I stayed frozen and quiet, knowing with every second I sit here, the C4 was coming closer to detonating and murdering all of us. I decided to stay low and follow the mysterious figure. I turned my attention back to the traitor and continued to listen in on his conversations. "understood... yes sir... I'm leaving now... and I'll make sure I'm not followed... bye" There was a faint click of a phone being turned off and rustling. There was something achingly familiar about that voice... but I couldn't put my finger on it. I took the chance to peek into the doorway when I heard a soft thud. No one was in the room and the window was wide open. I jumped up and poked my head out looking down. We were a story up and the world swayed below me. The weirdest part of all this was that there was no one in sight on the ground. I cocked an eyebrow. "well... it's now or never" I whispered and swung my leg over the window sill. I slid my whole body out and held on to the ledge at the bottom of the window, hanging precariously high. I squeezed my eyes closed and let go, I landed hard on my feet, sending a shock of pins and needles up my calves, making them burn. I flinched in pain and stood up. I looked around trying to find the unidentified man, when I felt cold metal being pressed against the back of my head. "turn around... slowly, I don't want to kill you, at least not now, but I will if you try anything." I gulped and slowly turned on my heel. I gasped at who the one holding the pistol up to my head was. my friend, my ally, my love.... "Chilled?"


So I'm gonna make a part two for this one shot because it went on so long, and I'm really sorry I haven't posted in a while... I've been taking a break for a while, just relaxing.... And I hope you enjoyed!!

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