Just Relax (OhmLive)

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This is for TehMeliTJQ! Sorry it's a bit late... but anyway! Enjoy!

Ohm's POV
I ran my fingers through my brown hair, sighing in agitation at the stacks of papers and books that surrounded me. The finals were so close, and I was no where near done studying... I have gotten this far, so I can't fail now, and if I do fail, two Long years of hard work will be for nothing... it comes down to this. I have one chance. one chance. I could blow it all in a mere second... I sighed again, this time in worry. 'where am I going to go if I mess up? I won't have a job, and I won't have a degree to qualify for the careers I wanted... the best job I might be able to get will be like a cashier or waiter or something boring and underpaid like that. the truth is, I wanted to be a video game designer. I had three life goals that actually mattered to me. 1: was to get a good, fun, well paying job, 2: have my own house and belongings that I but with my own money, and 3: marry my boyfriend. I rested my head on my hand and took a few deep breaths. I needed to get all of this work done in the next three days if I want to even pass the blasted test. I rubbed my face, putting pressure on my tired eyes. 'I need a break' I thought to myself, but I knew it was just a wish... if I got off track, I probably wouldn't get back on track, and then where would I be?

Knock. knock

There was a sudden rapping at my door that ripped me out of my daydreaming state. I got up, yawning from fatigue and lack of sleep, as I slowly sauntered over to the door, which I presumed Dlive was waiting eagerly behind. I hadn't been paying much attention to him for the last couple of weeks, and I feel bad, but he understands. That's probably why I love him so much... he so understanding, and funny, and cute, and... and, absolutely perfect. Just thinking about him made my heart melt, and all my worries go away. I really do want to marry this man, but I want to wait till I have a stable life before I ask him to commit to me...
I unlocked my door and slowly swung it open. Standing in front of me was my beloved, just as I thought, wearing the smile I knew so well. But this time, the smile slowly faded as he saw my condition. He now had a face of sorrow and worry, one that I rarely met. I didn't think that it suited him, and I quickly tried to think of a way to make him happy again. "Hey Dlive" I murmured tiredly. "Hi love, did you stay up again?" He asked. I nodded... another sleepless night of studying. his eyes suddenly lit up an a faint smile painted his face again, making my heart jump. "well,,, I've got a little something planned for you-" I opened my mouth to soeak, but he didn't let me get a word out."eh, no. no if, ands, of buts! You're coming with me wether you like it or not!" He said a playful spark igniting in his light green eyes. "now go get dressed! not something crazy fancy, but at least be presentable!" I sighed and went to go get changed, terrified of the fact that I'm not going to be able to study...

(At le destination)

"You can look now!" Dlive said softly chuckling as he did so. My eyes quickly opened ad I marveled at the place we were at. We were at a resturant, not an overly fancy resturant, but a fairly nice establishment. I grinned happily, my troubles already beginning to slide away... "c'mon! Stop hawking and let's go eat! We haven't had a date if forever and in starving!" Dlive cried placing his hands on my back and shoving me a bit, only managing to make me stumble. I giggled and let the excited man lead me into the Shady Oaks resturant. When we got inside, me and Dlive noticed carved bear statues everywhere. Near the door, at the tables, on the shelves, in the corners, everywhere! Dlive laughed as he scampered over to one of the bigger carvings and shoved his head I to the bears gaping mouth. I quickly wipe my phone out and snapped a few photos of the adorably childish man. This was already helping and we weren't even minutes into our date...

(Getting le food, I'm so tired guys!)

I are in silence, occasionally glancing over at Dlive and smiling in which he would smile back. I have to admit, this was peaceful, but I still couldn't get the thought of the damned exams out of my head. I tapped my foot impatiently, staring off into space. "can you just relax, Ryan?" A quiet voice snapped me out of my daze. "Hmm?" I asked, my mouth full of food. "just... forget about the test! Have some fun with me, hang out, talk, play games, laugh... just do something with me!" He said. I stayed frozen. "what am I supposed to do? Just forget about the test? My future depends of this bloody thing!" He looked at me hurt in his eyes, and I immediately felt bad. "n-no, I just mean, just please... relax, have a little bit of fun, it'll help, I promise!" He cried. "fine you know what? Then let's go do something that'll relax me, ok?" He shrugged. I nodded and called for or waiter. After I had paid, I dragged Dlive out of the building and to my car, but before he could get in, I pressed him up against the cool metal of my car far and roughly kissed him. Connecting our lips and kneading them against eachothers. I took him by surprise, but soon enough he kissed back, wrapping his arms around my neck, while mine went around his waist. He moaned a bit into the kiss, and I bit his bottom lip, asking for enteance. He quickly granted and I explored his mouth. I pulled away, panting, while he gasped wanting more. I kissed his jawline and down his neck, making him moan when my hot lips touched his sweet spot. I bit down, making him gasp louder, and quickly leaving a red mark on his neck. I kissed back up his neck and came to his lips, where I lost my rough instincts and quickly pecked him on the lips, so things didn't go to far... I mean, we were in a public place... He looked at me, sweat barely visible along his hairline, while his eyes were filled, with what I know well, want. he was panting, and it really made me happy to see that I had that kind of effect on him... I'm glad I could make him all flustered, and out of breath like that. it make me feel special, and happy inside. I leaned in by his ear, "not here" I whispered. and he nodded, opening his car door and getting in.

Let me just say, he made me forget about the finals for the rest of the night real fast when we got over to his apartment... and that thought was replaced with a much, different one.

Sorry, I know it wasn't my best work, but I hope you like it! Anyway, love ya and bai!

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