Drawings (RoyalChaos)

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This is dedicated to Capital Q for this idea! Thank you for the permission to use it! I really appreciate it! I also really love your oneshots! They're so adorable! XD
(They're in highschool)

Chilled's POV

"ok yeah! I'll come over later!" I called, talking to my best friend, or in my opinion, soulmate, Steven. I was going to go over to his house later, and I was really excited. We had gotten the new Diablo, and there's nothing I love more, than to play an amazing game with an amazing person! I don't know when it happened, but somewhere along the line, I had fallen head over heels for the short Canadian, and the crush just stuck, and developed into something more. In other words, I was in love with my best friend. I didn't let anyone know, I masked my feelings, making sure I didn't blush at compliments, didn't shiver at touches, and didn't let my teenage urges take over my actions, although they had almost won a couple times, almost. I feel as though I must act soon, or else I won't be able to hold back, and it will ruin our friendship for good. I came back to reality and realized class was almost over... geeze, did I really zone out for 45 minutes?!

(After school)

I walked up to Ze's door, and raised my hand to knock, but stopped right before and ran my hands through my hair, trying to make myself look as presentable as possible before entering his abode.
After checking my reflection in my phone screen, I lifted my hand again and this time, rapped my knuckles a few times on the hard wood door, the sound echoing around the house. I waited a few seconds, and then heard a thumping noise coming from inside, getting closer and closer. That must be Ze running down the stairs to greet me. I grinned liking the idea that he was so eager to see me. The door unlocked, and swung open to reveal a very handsome Canadian waiting for me. Man, I wish I could wrap my arms around him and kiss him all over... 'No Anthony! Don't think like that!' It only makes it hurt worse... "Well... c'mon in!" Ze chimed in that cute voice of his. I stepped in and he led to his all to familiar couch. "I left the game up in my room... I'll go get it" he motioned to the stairs. I stepped in front of him, blocking his way. "it's fine, I can get it... just go be comfy... where did you leave it?" His eyes widened a bit with... worry? "N-no, I got it!" He practically yelled. What has he got to be worried about? "No Ze, go sit down and relax, and just tell me where you put" I said. He walked over to his living room, sighing in defeat as he did so. "u-uhm... I think I left it on my bookshelf" he said, with the face of dread as before. I nodded and headed up the stairs. 'why is he acting weird?' I thought to myself, but shook my head after. it's probably just a Ze thing... I concluded. he acts like this around me every once in awhile... like just out of nowhere. I think it's just his anxiety issues though. I pushed open the door to Ze's room, and when I did, the comforting scent of the Canadian surrounded me, making me smile. I walked over to his bookshelf and found the game resting on a sort of sketchbook, I grabbed the game, and was just about to walk away, when my curiosity got the best of me. I lifted the sketch book carefully, as to not leave a trace and started flipping through the art. I had seen a few before, just of still life's, and of random people walking about the park and stuff like that, and let me just say, they were the best drawing I have ever seen a human being produce. As I started flipping through the first 10, they started to get different. I stopped in one, and looked at the all to familiar face. It was a drawing of me, and it was beautifully drawn! and I'm not just saying that because it was of me, it was easily one of the ones he had put a lot of effort into. I smiled at the delicate artwork and continued to flip on. More pictures of me appeared, they were becoming more frequent, and it was making me suspicious. I froze as I came to a stop on a particular one. It was of me, but not only me, Ze was there too. And we were kissing. I heard a gasp from behind me, and I quickly shut the sketchbook and pivoted around on the ball of my heel to face an open mouthed and extremely red Ze. "I-i... how far did you get?" He whispered shakily. "far enough" I answered simply. He closed his mouth, then reopened it again as if to say something, but still stayed silent. "so... do you have something to explain to me?" His eyes drooped, and he looked at the floor. He whispered something under his breath, so quiet, I couldn't hear what he said. "what? Speak up!" I said kind of harshly, crossing my arms. I don't know why I felt mad, but I just did... all the years of loving him, all these years of suffering, and to think we both felt the same way... He looked up suddenly, making me flinch a bit. His scared face turned into a serious and almost scary one. He took a deep breath and yelled louder than I have ever heard him yell. "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! I ALWAYS HAVE! DID YOU HEAR ME? I STEVEN VIKING, LOVE ANTHONY CHAOS!" His sudden boost of confidence faded and he sunk to the ground, face in his hands, sobbing uncontrollably. My flash of anger also left, and as my arms dropped, my face softened. I rushed over to him and wrapped my arms around his fragile body. He looked up at me in confusion, but soon wrapped his own arms around me, sobbing into my chest. I cradled him as his last body racking sobs were let out. He sniffled. "why are you still here? Aren't you supposed to be gone? Away from me? I'm just a freak!" He stammered, voice raw from crying so much. "well if you're a freak for being gay, then I guess were two of a kind..." he looked up at me in shock as he got the meaning of my statement. "y-you're gay too?" I nodded. "And guess what" I cooed, running my fingers through his wavy brown hair. he looked up at me, hope glittering in his watery green eyes, reflecting the same lights that shone in my deep chocolate ones. "I, Anthony Chaos, love Steven Viking with all my heart and then some" I whispered into his ear. "really?" He mumbled. "really." I leaned down and connected our lips like I've wanted to do for so long. oh so long... The kiss exploded into sparks, so much that I could practically see them. It was warm and passion filled, no fight for dominance. Just love. The gentle kiss ended, and I pressed my forehead to his. "Steven? Will you be mine?" I murmured lovingly in his ear. "of course" he whispered back. So there I sat, Ze cradled in my arms whispering sweet, sweet entrancing, whisps of passion to one another, while Looking into his dark, misty eyes that shone with more beauty than every precious stone on Earth combined... Thank you fate, I don't need anything else now, just my Little Viking...

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