Heaven and Hell (RoyalChaos)

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I think you guys are gonna love this! Sooo I really like oneshots where they're demons and angels.... I think they're adorable! So... I decided to write my own!!! Enjoy!
Chilled's POV

I laid in wait, I knew he was close. The scent of angel was always the same. My lip curled up to reveal fangs and my tail lashed excitedly at the thought of sinking my long knife like claws into the unlucky souls chest and to smell the tangy aroma of blood as it pools up. It had been a few days since my last angel-slauter, and my blood lust was extreme. I needed to feel something writhe in agony, and soon, or it would drive me insane! My tattered ears flicked at the sound of wing beats and I smiled deviously, anticipating the coming bloodshed. I peeked outside, my piercing red eyes cutting through the darkness around me and spotted my next victim. It was male, around let's say... 20 years old, and from what I could tell, kind of... childish looking. He was short and had a round face, and curly hair. He had the faint illumination of a halo, circling his head, with big outstretched wings. He carried a satchel, papers threatening to fly out at any moment. I chuckled. A mere carrier angel... unlucky boy will meet his demise at a young age. I unfurled my wings and crept around the corner on all fours, quiet as to make sure the prey didn't hear the upcoming threat. I easily and nimbly took flight, stealthily making my way behind the angel. I grinned. He wouldn't see me coming. I spiraled up into the air, gaining altitude and speed so that I was right above the unlucky creature. Then, outstretching my claws, I plummeted out of the air like an hawk upon a small bird. I screeched as I dug my claws into the angels wing, taking it out of the air and and straight into the rocky soil. He screamed a cry so pitiful, it even made me pause before slicing open his belly. I had him pinned down to a rock, one of his wings broken and in a very painful-looking state. I grinned down at the terrified face below me and snapped my teeth like I was about to rip out his jugular. Tears streamed down his face as he laid there, not even trying to get up.
"So that's it? No struggle?" I mocked him, even as I did I could feel my rock hard heart threatening to soften. "what's the point?" I was taken aback by this "I'm hated in my home anyway... I never asked to be an angel, and I never wanted to be... why do you think I came out at night? I'm not a stupid as some people think. I want to die." This made me flinch. An angel wanting to die? How ironic, maybe I could grant his wish... My tail flicked back and forth while I thought about this. I looked down at the winged man before me, and this time, actually looked. He was like me. An outcast. no where to go. I was kicked out of my cozy room in hell because I killed to quickly, too much. You see, demons have to have a reason to kill, not just an urge to. And I cannot control my waves of bloodlust and evil longings, so I was thrown out. I returned to Earth, preying on the stupid and unlucky angels that came out at night, when the demons roam. I released some pressure I had on him, and now just held him down hard enough so he couldn't leave. Maybe... maybe I could make him my friend... I shook my head at this sudden thought. Angels and demons couldn't be friends. It's against the laws of nature! But... maybe. "what's your name?" I growled. "Steven, or Ze as people like to call me" 'Ze' I thought, loving how the name sounded. "I'm Anthony, or Chilled" I rasped, my voice sounding like a creaky door, unused and unwelcoming. I set back on my legs and stared at Ze. He slowly and cautiously sat
up, staring at me all the while. "a-aren't you gonna kill me" I kept staring at him, staying silent. "I don't know... I thought, maybe, we could be.... friends..." the word sounded weird to me. I had never had a 'friend' before, especially not an angel. He gazed out behind me, processing my proposition. He nodded slowly. I stood up completely and offered him a hand. He took it and winced in pain. "my wing!" He cried. I lightly touched his wing and he flinched, obviously in pain. His eyes suddenly rolled back into his head and he passed out, a heap on the ground... Probably from the shock of his injury.
(4 months later)
My claw dragged down the wall as I made another mark in the wood of our 'home'. I had made a tally mark each day I didn't kill my feathered friend. I skimmed over it, rounding the day with each set of five. about... 140 gashes, I estimated. about 4 months. A third of a year. I was proud of myself, I had overcome my lust for death whenever I was around him, and actually... changed. I didn't lay a finger on him... no matter how many times my brain told me to. There was something odd about him. I don't what's different about him, but the thought of hurting a hair on his head made me shudder. I guess you could say I found love, yeah I know, I'm a demon, heart of black and stone, incapable of loving... When the truth is, I felt a light spark in my soul every time I see him... I was snapped away from my daydreaming by a tap on the shoulder. I jumped and turned around, glaring at Ze for startling me. "s-sorry, I didn't mean to-to scare you, you were just muttering to yourself... and I thought you might need me to do something." God he was so cute... and his lips, so... kissable. I smiled deviously at the boy and approached him, making Ze back up, looking terrified. "don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you..." I whispered with a hint of malice lacing my reassuring words. His green eyes widened and as he walked backwards, he stumbled and fell on his back. I took this opportunity to pounce, Pinning his arms down, making him gasp. I looked at Ze below me, he had emerald eyes, a scraggly beard and a bit of a red nose. I chuckled. "What an adorable little angel" I murmured in his ear, making his cheeks turn as red as my blazing eyes. The emotions inside jumped around until I couldn't stand it anymore. I leaned down and he flinched, not sure of my actions. "what are you-" His question was cut off by my lips pressing against his. He gasped into the kiss, remaining frozen for a few seconds before kissing back. The kiss deepened, more and more, I was aware of a painful scorching sensation on my lips. I broke the kiss quickly at the sudden pain gasping when I felt my bloodstained lips. I looked at Ze to see him licking his burned mouth. My eyes widened as I pieces together the situation. The forbidden love! When we were little, my mother told me about a prophecy of true love. It was an old engraving, located on the hall right outside the devil's lair. it states that one day, love will conquer even the most dire differences.
"Let it be known, that one day, Two beings one of the brightest light, and one of the most diabolical evil, will find true love. Once their affections are sealed with a kiss of the most burning desire, the war between angels and demons will cease and the world will find balance again..."
I recited the words I had memorized so long ago, and Steven stared at me in awe. "the prophecy" he whispered, getting up to stand in front of me. I grabbed his chin and forcefully kissed him again. The burning quickly started again, but I ignored it... this had to be done. A sudden flash of white made me pull away from the kiss, and I opened my closed eyes to see a strange sight. We were standing in darkness. That is, except for the light that was pouring out of Ze's chest, where his heart was located, illuminating the ground so that I could se we were surrounded. On my side, demons of all ages, and mirroring my side, angels behind Steven. My gaze was redirected to my chest, faint purple light was seeping through, merging with the light blue from Ze, making a beautiful blend of indigo. The indigo light got stronger and stronger. Ze looked panicked, I instinctively grabbed his trembling hand and squeezed it. "It's ok... and Ze, I have something I want to say. I love you!" I called out. he responded with a grin, "I love you too..." he murmured affectionately into my ear. And that's when the sky lit up with the deep purple that was surrounding us in the beginning. It started right above us and continued to spread, lighting up the world once again. The color fillied me with pure joy, I didn't care anymore about judgement, I didn't care anymore about killing... all my grievances and problems were gone... I was finally happy. I looked down at Ze and he to was gazing around and smiling happily at the swirling lights that seemed to paint the sky like a canvas. Joyous cries erupted from our audience and cries of "the war is over! The prophecy was real!" I leaned in and gave Ze one final, gentle kiss. The world was at peace once more... the balance back to normal, all because of the love between an angel and a demon, to create a bond of harmon between heaven and hell.
You, my friends, are welcome...

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