Cheater (OhmLive)

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Based on a true story, an rp story during a tos game with Misscayla8 :D I was crying... Also, this is not really what happened but a summary of what might of happened if it was IRL XD
(I was dlive, and Misscayla was Ohm)

"Ohm, how could you?" Dlive whispered, tears filling his eyes. "do you think he's better than me? Is that it?"

"What are you talking about?" Ohm asked, eyes filling with worry and... guilt.

"Don't try it Ohm, I know what you've done, I thought you loved me..."
Dlive murmured, heart tearing apart.

"I do love you! With all my heart, my sweet!" Ohm said, his tone defending.

"How can you love two people Ohm?"

"Dlive! I love you and only you"

"That's what you told Max" Dlive's statement was simple and his voice had taken a rough tone, filled with something other than love. Revenge.

"I-I..." Ohm started.

"Don't waste your words on me Ohm, just admit it..."

"I...." Ohm couldn't find the words to say what he felt, and by that time, Dlive had had enough.

"Goodnight Ohm" was all he said, then turned away from the stammering man, making his point clear that he was done.

Dlive's broken heart was torture, making him want vengeance on his cheater. To think he still loves the man that tore apart his life.

"Knock, knock"

A knock on the door? Dlive walked over to the wooden door that he had stepped through so many times, and turned the brass door nob cautiously, scared of what could happen in the inky darkness of night. He was greeted by someone he never wanted to see at his door step again. "Entoan" he growled, in shock. "what do you want?" Entoan's eyes widened, and his mouth upturned into a mischievous grin. "well... I heard some gossip... and I thought I should come see you..." Dlive stepped aside, and he came in, trailing his fingers down his side as he did. Dlive shivered, wondering why he ever had the bright idea to let him in. "soo... I heard Ohm cheated on you..." Entoan sneered, making Dlive stiffen. "and I just thought I'd come over and keep you company..." He whispered seductively, advancing on the shorter man. Dlive stumbled back, running into his desk behind him. Entoan wrapped his arms around Dlive's waist and slammed his lips into the shorter's. Dlive melted into the kiss and while he swung one arm around the Brits neck, the other hand snuck behind them, to the desk drawer. Dlive quietly opened it, and pulled out a shiny metal blade. Twisted thoughts shot through his head as he raised the knife up, and plunged it into Entoan's side. The Brit's eyes shot open, and he let out a whimper of surprise and pain. His arms fell off of Dlive and went to the newly inflicted wound. He slightly dabbed at the bloody clothes and pulled away his fingers, gasping at the Crimson blood visible on his pale skin. "rot in hell, you whore" Dlive spat, ripping the knife out of Entoan's side, and stabbing him in the chest with more force than the first attack. as the cool blade sunk into the Brits flesh, his chocolate eyes rolled back into his head, as he let out a light scream... making the bloodied Dlive smile. Entoan, was dead. "I'm Ohm's and only Ohm's, even if we're not together" he snickered at the corpse of his ex lover, then he started to clean up.

Dlives POV
In the morning, I came to the town square, where a commotion was breaking out. I chewed my lip nervously, what if someone knew?

I walked up to the crowd of all my friends, enemies, and aquanitinces. "Entoan's dead!" Someone cried out, "he was murdered!" It was a woman's voice that he made out to be Minx's. "there was a death note on the body! It read 'I'm not yours, you prick'!" I didn't notice Ohm at my side until I looked away from what I could see, was the body of the man I murdered. "I saw you" he whispered, as to not bring attention. "you accuse me of cheating, and then you go and cheat yourself? I saw the kiss." he said sadly, and accusingly. "d-did you stay?" I mumbled, scared about if he knew my secret. "after... After I saw him kiss you, I left, I didn't want to watch..." my eyes narrowed, he didn't know, good. "Ohm? Can I tell you a secret?" I asked. His eyes grew, and he nodded cautiously. "unlike you, I pushed him away, unlike you, I took care of the little prick. I told him even if I was angry at you, and even if we weren't together, I was yours!" I whispered harshly, making him turn to me, face riddled with shock. "y-you k-killed Entoan?" I nodded. He looked at me frightened. "w-why?" He asked, voice trembling. "because he tried to get between us, just like Max did. and you know what? I'll take care of Max tonight too, so it'll just be you, and me." I growled. "p-please don't kill Max!" He pleaded. "why not? If you really do love me and not him, then don't tell, we can have a future together, Ohm" "n-no! You can't do that! Even if I wouldn't choose him over you, I-i... He's still my best friend!" He cried out. I grabbed his arm and dragged him into the nearest alley way, so no one would overhear our conversation. "lies" I hissed. "you have feelings for him, yet you keep denying it! Quit lying to me!" I shoved him, and he stumbled back a bit, and he looked at me, eyes filled with fear. "Who are you?" He asked, sneering a bit, "because you're not the man I fell in love with." he turned and ran. I stumbled forward trying to catch his arm but missed, and instead watched his form disappear into the town. "Ohm..." I mumbled. He ran away. away from me. what have I done? Tears streamed down my face as I started to make my way home. "I-I'm a monster..." I whispered, looking down at my hands. there was only one thing left to do.

3rd POV

Dlive slammed the heavy wooden door behind him, locking the dead bolt. "no one will know..." he said under his breath. He got the knife he had used to kill Entoan out of the sink, which he had cleaned to get any evidence off and brought it with him to his bedroom. "This-this is the room where Ohm admitted his feelings for me, this is the room where we first made love, this is the room where we spent countless nights whispering to each other how we a wanted our lives to end. I said I wanted to die of old age, to have had a beautiful life, how I wanted to marry you, Ohm, how I wanted to maybe adopt a child, and watch them grow, not like this, I didn't want to die by my own blade out of guilt, life works in funny ways, my dear Ohm, and life has turned me somewhere I can't come back from..." I went to the head board of my bed, which was made out of polished Oak wood. I took the sharp end of my knife and started to carve into the wood, forming a heart shape with and arrow through it. I then went on to carve "O+D" in the sort of fashion a love sick girl would into the top of her desk. I then took the knife and turned it around in my hands a few times before, turning it towards me, and plunging it deeply into the flesh covering my heart. Pain consumed me, engulfing every other emotion with a current of torture. Lights began to flash before my eyes as I drifted closer and closer to death. Blood pooled out of my chest and started to drench my shirt... I took one final breath and everything turned white...

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