'Joking around' (RoyalChaos)

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Enjoy this adorable fanart video with amazing song with it^ :3

Ze's POV

"Ok, well that's all the news we have for now on day 2 of E3! bye guys!" Chilled jumped into the picture next to me, ending it off with a loud "BYE!". I was just about to turn my camera off when an Idea came to my head. I turned my head so that I was facing Chilled and leaned in to 'kiss his cheek' or pretend to. I was going to swoop in about to touch my lips to his face, and then I would cut the video off, leaving the fan girls squealing. My mistake. He turned his head at the wrong time and my lips accidentally brushed his. He flinched backwards in surprise and stared at me. My face went from pale to bright pink, blush spreading across my cheeks. "I didn't mean to, I was, I was trying to pretend to kiss your cheek for the camera and you-you turned at the wrong moment." I stammered trying to cover up my major mistake. He just looked at me giving me a sideways grin. "it-it's ok" he said, obviously in a really awkward situation. "I-I'm gonna go..." I murmured, starting to walk out of our hotel room. "No wait... Steven! it's fine, really..." he sounded almost sad. I turned back to him giving him a quizzical look. "ok..." I walked back over to the bed he was sitting on and plopped down next to him. "soo do you wanna play some video games?" I asked trying to change the topic. "how would we do that? we don't have a console" he pointed out, I smirked and got my 3ds out. "we have these, how about some Mario cart?" He nodded and went to go get his. We started playing, me as Yoshi and him as Princess Peach. We played for awhile, laughing and goofing off quite a bit. He ended up beating me by one race, he shoved his screen in my face, laughing at me because I didn't get the 1st place trophy. I faked anger and tackled him, the surprise attack enabling me to pin him down. He looked up at me and smirked. "Y'know, there's a hashtag that's going around..." I knew where this was going. "it's called #ChilledTops, lets keep it that way" he said cockily as he flipped us over, him now hovering over me, pinning my arms above my head. "Call uncle" he demanded. I struggled under his grip. "No" I stated simply, closing my eyes, not willing to give up. "then I guess I'm gonna have to make you" I opened my eyes to see him grinning evilly. "what are you doing, you diabolical f*ck?" I asked nervously giggling. he didn't respond, he just leaned down so that he was an inch away from my face. 'Is he going to kiss me?!' I wondered panicked. I stared at him panic in my eyes. He leaned down so far that I could feel breath on my lips... but he pulled away at the last second. He instead went to my neck and laid warm kisses up my collar bone. My eyes opened wide and I struggled to get out of his grip. "Chilled! let me go, what are you doing?!" I yelled. "Say uncle then" he growled. "n-no!" I wasn't going to let him win that easily... that's the only reason I was going to let him continue... right... Not the fact that his kisses burned on my skin from the contact.

He grinned with a hazy look in his eye. I flinched. "why are you doing this?" I asked quietly. "Are you that blind? how haven't you noticed that I've wanted you since day 1?" 'What? he likes me... that way?' I thought a weird feeling arose in my chest, as he stared into my eyes. "Call uncle and I'll stop, don't and I'll assume you're fine with it." he simply said, not easing his grip on my arms. I gulped nervously, knowing exactly what I wanted... but I wasn't going to let him dominate me that easily. "uncle" I murmured quietly and he immediately let go of me. He was pulling away from me silently, he looked ashamed and sad. I smirked at him and he looked at me in confusion. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss. He snaked his arms around my waist. The kiss seemed to last forever, that is until I needed air. I pulled away from him and whispered into his ear. "there's no way I'm going to be dominated that easily" he giggled and pulled me into a warm hug. "fine, fine... but one day, you watch out Ze..." he murmured into my ear, making me sigh. I nuzzled my head into his neck breathing in his cologne. I never realized how happy he could make me...

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