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Here's some RoyalChaos fluff for ya... but sadly this was not written on a snow day, I still had to go to school... :,(

3rd POV
"Chiiiilllleeed... give me my hat!" Ze yelled jumping up and trying to reach his red Viking hat that Anthony had stolen and was now waving it in the air just out of the short Canadians grasp. "Awww... you're adorable when you're angry!" Chilled giggled, witch only made Ze more frustrated. "I'm warning you!" Ze narrowed his eyes playfully at his boyfriend, already plotting to get him back. "Nah... I think I'll keep it" he put the Ze's hat on his head over his Mario hat. Ze smirked, which made Chilled suspicious. "then I'll just have to..." he stepped up on his tippy toes and kissed Anthony on the mouth, wrapping his arms around the The italian's neck. Chilled quickly kissed back, surprised by the Canadian's actions, soon deepening it hungrily. Ze's arms snaked up Anthony's back and he smiled into the kiss as he quickly snatched the two hats off the taller mans head. He pulled away, and skipped away, leaving the Italian dumbfounded and confused to the fact he had just been played. Ze giggled as Chilled processed the trick, and soon smirked, glaring evilly at the shorter man. "you little tease... c'mhere, I'm not finished with you!" He laughed and started running across the room at Ze. Ze's smug face soon turned into a surprised one as he nearly got tackled by the taller italian. He laughed and ran away, Chilled close behind. The Italian took a leap and caught Ze, taking them both down to the ground. They were a giggling ball on the floor, Ze desperately trying to keep the hats away from the other. Chilled pinned Ze down, sweating from trying to pin down the squirming Canadian. "now, give me my Mario hat back!" he giggled trying to snatch it from the shorter man's grasp. "Never!" He laughed, jerking it away from the Italians outstretched hand. He smiled deviously and started tickling Ze's sides. "no no no! Do-don't tick-le meeee!" He laughed, though the Italian didn't stop. Ze was soon red faced from laughing too hard and was begging for Chilled to stop. "Pl-lease! I'll-I'll do any-anythin-g! You ca-an h-have the hats bac-k!" He squealed. "I'm serious! I'm gonn-a pee mys-elf!" He gasped. Chilled grinned and got off the Canadian. Ze just laid there, wheezing for air. He looked up at the grinning Italian and threw the Mario hat at him, hitting him in the face. He placed it on his head over his ruffled hair and smiled at the shorter man "Aww I love you my little viking...." Chilled spoke in a baby voice. Ze glare at Chilled, but soon stood up an walked over to him. He smiled and gently kissed the taller man. "I love ya too, even if you are an idiot sometimes..."

Chaos's book o' one shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें