Stuck On Repeat (RoyalChaos)

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So guys you know what? I can't write anime.
I tried so hard, but I kept gravitating toward YouTube.
I will only be doing one shots, and might take requests, but not yet.
If you requested an anime oneshot I'll try my best to get it done, but no promises, plus I'm sure half of you would rather have this.


(This is a personal AU I like)
Also it's a it short :/ I'm still getting back into it...

It's like we're robots, going through our lives with the same processes every day, every week, every year. We wake up, We work, We eat, We Sleep.

We keep telling ourselves, one day life will change, that maybe the government will go back to the way it was before. Before it became power hungry and tyrannical. These promises fuel us with false hope that keep us going another hour, another day, another year.

A little over 6 years ago, the government took over. Took our guns, our internet, our belongings, our freedom, our lives.

They started assigning jobs to us, precise schedules, providing limited portions of food, clothes, and living space. At first people referred to our new government as communists, but we soon realized it was so much more than that. They hijacked our lives. Tore them from our grasp. Stole them from their rightful owners.

At first people rebelled. They joined together against the authorities, scraping up whatever they had around them and used them as weapons.

I watched one of my best friends die.

GaLm never did back down, never was one to ignore a challenge, and his stubbornness was his downfall. So when everyone around him was being destroyed in the chaos, he still fought. Still tried to make whatever difference he could, even if it was small.

At first we all cried profusely. John especially.

But we moved on. Moved on, but never forgot.

We were forced to be work slaves. Mass producing certain goods for the Country. Making money for the Country. Living for the Country.

Everything was for the Country, never for us.

The government gave us five strict rules, one's that if you didn't follow, you would be taken to a special room, to be specially taken care of. It's simple they told us.

Don't stray from your schedule.

Don't question your higher ups.

Don't take what isn't yours.

Don't disobey any orders or additional rules given by your supervisor.

Don't fall in love.

So simple.

Maybe for them. Things are a little different for me. I've broken one of their rules. It's one they can't prove.

My name is Citizen Number 111376.

My assigned job is canning tuna.

I go about my day with the same dead look as anybody else in this real life hell, but I have something they don't. I have that few minutes of my day where existing is bearable, where my brown eyes spark when they're met with green ones. I have Citizen Number 365733, the little ball of dorky energy that lights up my world. We only see each other during lunch, but that's enough to keep me going.

His smile makes me smile, his laugh makes me notice every inch of beauty in the World, even after I convinced myself there was none. He's the one that haunts my dreams, making me toss and turn, wanting so bad to be able to have my old life back, when we could do whatever we wanted. When we could be with whoever we wanted.

My name is Citizen Number 111376, I have broken the rules.

The feeling in my heart is nothing new. It's been there for well over the 6 years we've been taken over, and it was just cruel coincidence that I even have the chance to be around him. Just cruel, cruel, coincidence's way of reminding me that I missed my chance to tell him how I felt before. Reminding me that I will live and die never having known if he would feel the same. Reminding me that everything I'm living for is meaningless. nothing matters! yet I still trudge forward! Maybe it's for me. Maybe it's for him.

But one thing is for certain,

Nothing, will ever change.

My name is Citizen Number 111376, but that's not true.

My real name is Anthony.

And I am in love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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