Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 11: What you should have known

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(Y/N) POV:

Since I wanted Shaggy to have some alone time with Velma on their date, I had no choice but to go with Fred and Daphne, to go and investigate that boat. Thankfully, (F/A/N) decided to come with me, just in case I needed a friend to lean on. Once Fred parked the van, we all got out.

"Ready?" Fred asks.

"Yep," I say.

"Yeah," says Daphne.

"Me too," says (F/A/N).

"Good. So...who were they?" Fred asks, making us stop before we had even begun.

"Who were who?" Daphne asks, having a fake innocent smile on her face for some reason. "Oh. Are you still wondering about those boys I was playing tennis with?"

Hearing this makes me confused, at first, when I start to recall what Fred was trying to ask Daphne last night during the monster's attack. "What a minute, is this the same conversation you guys were talking about before the Lake Monster came at us?"

"Yeah. Before the monster attacked, I was playing some tennis with some boys," she says. (F/A/N) and I look at each other, not liking the sound of that. Daphne then turns her attention back on Fred. "They were nobody, Fred. Just some caddies I met. Why? You're not jealous, are you?"

"Jealous? No, no. I'm not jealous. No way," Fred says, trying to act cool. "I don't get jealous."

Once Fred walks away, Daphne smirks. "Yeah, right," she says.

I'm not sure why, but I don't like what Daphne was trying to do. I mean, I can tell that she obviously played tennis with those boys to make Fred jealous. And if Fred finds out that she was trying to make him jealous on purpose, he's not going to be too happy about it. Even (F/A/N) could tell when we shared a glance at each other.

Later, we had been walking through the docks, until we finally found the boat we had been looking for. According to the sign, it's called the "Floating Museum", and is closed for renovations.

"There it is, the purple boat," says Daphne.

"She. There she is," Fred corrects. "A boat is a she, like a girl. But not one who goes around playing tennis with every boy boat in the harbor."

We continued walking closer to the boat, till we noticed a paint bucket that had been used. Not only that, but whoever was on this boat, stepped in the paint by accident, leaving footprints. And they led inside of the boat.

"Looks like you were right on the mark, Daphne. That cloaked figure must've been here," I say, making (F/A/N) nod his/her head in agreement as I direct my flashlight towards the footprints.

"All hands on deck," says Fred.

One at a time, we didn't waste anytime on getting on the boat, while also making sure to be careful. If there's anything we've learned from the mysteries we've solved in the past, it's that villains sure love to set up traps, so that they don't get caught. Not only that, but the boat is kind of cramped inside, which is why we had to form a line. Daphne walked in front, followed by me, (F/A/N) and Fred.

"Guys, look," Daphne says all of a sudden.

We followed her and saw what she had found. The footprints led downstairs, to what kind of looked like a creepy basement (I also know nothing about boats, so, sorry if I did that wrong). We all look at each other, wondering who should go first.

Scooby-Doo sequel/Scooby-Doo Curse of the Lake Monster (insert reader)(Finished)Where stories live. Discover now