Velma x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 5: Lake Monster

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(Just to set the record straight, I'll let you decide what you want to wear at the party, instead of picking something for you. Hope you enjoy!)

(Y/N) POV:

Before I knew it, the day went by so fast that it was already time for the opening night reception. I could even hear the piano playing as I walked inside of a huge white tent with (F/A/N), Scooby and Shaggy. And I must say that it was quite the party. Though, being surrounded by so many well-dressed people makes me feel like I stand out like a sore thumb.

"Wow. This place is incredible," (F/A/N) says, taking in all of our surroundings.

"Like, you can say that again, (F/A/N). Good thing we dressed up, hey, Scoob?" Shaggy asks.

Scooby nods his head. "Yeah,"

"Hey, Shag, (N/N), (F/A/N), Scoob," Daphne says as we walk over to her and Fred. "Where's Velma?"

"Uh, she got sick while we were hanging out near Lake Erie," I answer, recalling the events that happened today.

"But it was totally natural causes and not revulsion at the very thought of me," Shaggy quickly says.

While Fred and Daphne nod their heads in understanding, I use all of my efforts to not glare at Shaggy. I mean, sure, Shaggy's my best friend, and has been like a brother to me ever since we were kids, but I'm also peeved that of all the girls he had to fall for, it had to be Velma, the girl I've also got my eyes on. And having Fred and Daphne notice how weird, weirder than usual, Shaggy's been acting lately whenever it comes to Velma, is not helping. But considering how I was able to at least make a little progress with her, knowing that makes me happy. I'm mostly confused, however, still unsure of how strange Velma was acting, with the way she kept starring at that Moonstone.

Eventually, Shaggy and Scooby decided to hit the buffet table, digging in on whatever looked or smelled good. Daphne and Fred had been chatting the night away, while I spent time hanging out with (F/A/N). Everything seemed well until fog started to fill up the tent. Everyone becomes confused, unsure of what's going on.

"Like, who ordered the pea soup?" Shaggy asks, waving his hand to clear the fog from his view.

Then, as if things couldn't get any stranger, all of the lights started to flicker on and off, till they shut down completely (dejavu from the first book anyone?). People began talking amongst themselves, wanting an explanation.

"Sorry, everyone. I'm sure it's just a little minor glitch with one of our generators. I'll just--" Mr. Thorny says, trying to keep everyone calm. However, before he can finish his sentence, a shadow with an unusual shape appears from outside of the tent, making growling sounds, almost like an animal. "What the heck is that?"

Everyone gasps at the sight, afraid of what it is that could be outside. Whatever is out there, I prepare myself for the worse as (F/A/N) and I stand next to Fred and Daphne.

"(N/N)?" Daphne ask, obviously scared.

"No idea," I answer, already knowing what she was going to ask.

"Fred?" she asks.

"I don't know either, Daphe," Fred quickly answers.

None of us have any idea of what that thing outside could be. But something tells me we're all about to find out, especially when that thing tears through the cloth, making a hole to enter through. Once it enters inside of the tent, the monster reveals itself, appearing to be a giant human-sized frog!

Scooby-Doo sequel/Scooby-Doo Curse of the Lake Monster (insert reader)(Finished)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora