Shaggy x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 11: What you should have known

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(F/A/N) POV:

When I saw (Y/N) crying, I asked her what was wrong. And let me tell ya, I was not happy when she told me that Shaggy had asked Velma out on a date, making (Y/N) heartbroken. It wasn't long afterwards when Daphne offered (Y/N) to go with her and Fred to investigate that boat, to help keep (Y/N)'s mind off of Shaggy. As much as I wanted to go with (Y/N), to help cheer her up, I needed to stay and take care of some unfinished business.

"Oh, curse this mop top. I can't do anything with it," Shaggy says, after trying to use a hair brush to smooth out his hair. I secretly glare at him, still not happy that he emotionally broke (Y/N)'s heart. "Okay, guys, how do I look?"

While I don't say anything, Scooby speaks up. "Rah. Handsome as a drevil," he says, adjusting a tie around his neck in front of the mirror. "What rabout me?"

"Oh, um...Like as dapper as a Dalmation," Shaggy answers. "But where are you headed, buddy?"

"With you. Where else?" Scooby asks.

"Oh, um, heh. Um..." Shaggy tries to say. "You know, buddy...I'm gonna have to fly solo on this one tonight."

"Rolo?" Scooby asks.

"He's basically saying that he wants alone time with Velma, an doesn't want us to come," I say, trying to hide my anger as I look away.

"Yeah, you know,'re just gonna have to do your own thing, you know what I mean?" Shaggy asks.

"My own thing?" Scooby asks, making sure that he heard right. "But, Raggy--"

"Thanks for understanding, Scoob. I'll see you later, guys," Shaggy says before leaving to go pick up Velma.

"Goodbye, Raggy," Scooby says, looking sad.

"Bye," I say, not even bothering to hide my annoyance and anger.

Once Shaggy leaves, Scooby starts crying, sad that Shaggy's too busy with Velma, and is never around to hang with Scoob anymore. I walk over to him and put a paw on his shoulder.

"Trust me, Scoob. You're not the only one," I say.

"What do you mean (F/A/N)?" Scooby asks.

That's right, he doesn't know about what happened to (Y/N).

I explained to Scoob about how Shaggy broke (Y/N)'s heart when he asked Velma on a date, and how that really tore (Y/N) apart. When I finished explaining, Scooby did not look happy.

"No. No more rolling over," Scooby says, removing the tie from his neck.

It's then that I come up with an idea. "Hey, Scoob, Shaggy said we could do our own thing. But he didn't say anything about us going to the place where him and Velma are going on their date," when I say that, Scooby chuckles evilly. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Reah. Rate rashing rime. Let's go!" Scooby exclaims, leaving the room.

(3rd) POV:

Once Shaggy left his room, he had been thinking about why (Y/N) had been acting weird today. He didn't even have the chance to ask her what was wrong, since she left with Fred and Daphne to go investigate that boat. He didn't have time to think on it, however, when he knocked on Velma's door. And once she opened it, he couldn't help but gaze at her.

"Good evening, Norville," Velma says with a smile.

Shaggy didn't respond. Despite giving Velma a smile, he felt something was wrong. And he didn't know why, but he started to recall the time when (Y/N) wore a dress at the opening night reception, thinking how beautiful she looked that time. He also didn't understand why he was thinking about that, when he's going on his first date with Velma and not (Y/N).

Scooby-Doo sequel/Scooby-Doo Curse of the Lake Monster (insert reader)(Finished)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora